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  1. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Well all depends on how old u r how many years u been driving points n if u have any claimes it's not for every1 but worked out great 4 me at 218 year
  2. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    It's footman James .co.uk jus search that
  3. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Purepower how old r u n how olds ur car cos there is a great insurance that I'm with that will insure almost any car that is 15 yrs or older but u have to have held ur licence for over 5yrs I think n had no claims against u or u could jus lie lol there called footman James and there really good I'm wit them n I pay nothing more than 250 for the year full comp
  4. Hi I'm wanting to make my car loud lol want a sporty loud exhaust systerm or jus back box for e36 320i 93 model :)
  5. Were abouts are u cos iv got a 320i with a standard exhaust systerm n would b interesting is swapping
  6. What colour are the bumpers n skirts ?
  7. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Why not jus get a 328 there like 190 brake standard then play wit the engine lol get sum kick !Removed! drifting outa 1 of them bad boys !! :)
  8. I get like 35 if I drive like miss daisy if I'm lucky usually I get 20 in my e36 320i :(
  9. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Members hey u after sum seedie action with me motor cos I dont swing that way -:) I mean dnt get me wrong me car she's a beaut but ... Lol jus jokin ye well I'm not photo genic but me missis is
  10. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Did u get that pic ??
  11. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Was thinking bout it but petrol prices r mental till the year ----- ten million tbh if I do get me car chiped I so no il get pulled for speeding mayb I could out run the !Removed! astras the use hmmmm uno it does sound like I should do it!! whats under ur hood purepower ??
  12. J1coupe

    Race Chip

    Has any1 got 1 or heard of them ??
  13. J1coupe

    Race Chip

  14. J1coupe

    Tune 320I

    Yeh but it's fitting summit that big in such a small place cos I went for a k&n cone induction put a heat sheild around and even that was lil tricky with the lack of space it would take replacing all the intake pipes I think ?! :-(
  15. J1coupe

    Tune 320I

    Gav u were on bout sending pics ow do I send a pic of my car what email address should I send to
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