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  1. Hi Mate The LCI are on the 07 face lift, my beemer is 04, ive also found out that one led lights the 2 angel eyes. seen a set on ebay for £35 5w oem 6000k ,Item number: 300499111292 but also seen some 7000k ones for the same price, still not sure if they will fit mine, would like to go with the brighter ones, as the factory ones are really dull for day time driving. if any one knows if they will fit my motor please let me know, want to get them sorted asap. Thanks guys. :)
  2. Hi wanting to up grade the angel eyes on my 545i to the nice white light, instead of the dull yellow factory light, was wondering if anyone has done this upgrade, whats a decent kit to buy, how easy or how hard to fit. also do i need 4 new leds for the 4 rings, done a quick search and looks like kit only comes with 2 so does one on each side light the 2 angel eye rings, sounds a bit thick :blink: but hey im learning. Thanks peeps. Mav
  3. Hi, All Sorted vacuum pump, went to independant BMW garage they got me one from Germany, the company in Germany make them for BMW so its an OM part but without BMW stamped on it as you know put BMW on it and the price jumps by £££££££££££ anyway BMW wanted £500 just for the part, got supplied and fitted at the independant BMW garage for £275 what a result well happy. :) :) :) :)
  4. Hi Mate This is the part number 11667545384 im in south yorkshire, sheffield area. Thanks again .
  5. Hi peeps Im after the engine vacuum pump for my 545i if anyone has one or knows where i can source one that would be great, ive tried an internet search but not much coming back. Thanks Mavo :)
  6. mavo

    Sat Nav

    Rang a different BMW dealer today they say if i purchase the new 2011 dvd disc i dont need a software update it will work ok. confused ?????????????
  7. mavo

    Sat Nav

  8. mavo

    Sat Nav

    Ive phoned the BMW dealer and he says i need to take it in so they can update the software (thought he might say that) il do a bit more research before i take it to BMW as its not cheap. Thanks for your comments. Mav
  9. Hi, picking up the 04 BMW 545i next week, i noticed it has the old 04 sat nav disc buisness edition does any one know if the 08 buisness edition sat nav dvd will work with the car or does it need a soft ware up date first. Thanks. Mav
  10. Thanks for the welcome. looks like im going to buy the car, will post up the pics when i get it.
  11. Its on a 04 plate, i will put some pics up if i get it, had another drive in it today the auto box in the car is fantastic, im used to manuals but this felt some thing else, the i drive and manual for it will take me a few months to read lol.
  12. Hi all, Thinking of buying a 545i ive seen, its in lovely condition had a test drive drives like new, full service history 2 owners up on the miles thou at 130000, is there anything i should be looking out for on this model, would the high milage put you off. Its a stunning drive but still not sure. Any comments would be great . Thanks. Mavo
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