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Posts posted by Dazza1

  1. hi Trevor,

    Thank you for your reply. 

    I hadn't though of the water getting as far as the cylinder.  It was such a small puddle and given its size, and my slow speed, I would have thought it would be a more common problem if it ? Could it be that the power is dipping due to a lack of air being pulled through?

    Thank you

  2. hi,

    I'm hoping someone can help me identify a problem with my 2013 1 series.

    I was driving and went thought a puddle (didn't see it and it wasn't big) and noticed the drive was lost momentarily.  The power fell away for a few seconds at most and drove fine after -  almost like the water got onto a belt which slipped and then the water was burnt off?  No sound of a belt slipping or similar though.

    I've now noticed this twice now but my local BMW garage hasn't had any experience of it and I'm not keen to give the car to them to investigate (in fear of having a big bill).  Has anyone experienced a similar issue or know what could have caused the loss of power?  I thought the 1 series had drive chains (please let me know if I'm wrong) so it can't be a belt issue, can it?

    thanks for your replies in advance.


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