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Everything posted by cx500ec

  1. Hi Upt'North Yes i will and also remove all my clothes.......l.o.l. John
  2. Dave Sorry, i should have typed 12 plus Millilitres and not Litres of water (i,m old school and am more comfortable dealing with pints and gallons); and that had built up in the half hour the car had been idling with the A/C running flat out. John
  3. Dave I'm confident my "Water in Foot Well" problem is now sorted, and detail below what i did. I started the car, set the A/C to 16 Deg, switched it on then set the fan to maximum speed and left the car to tick over. After about half an hour i had a small puddle of water on the floor beneath the car which then indicated where the drain point for the A/C condensate was. I then jacked the front of the car, crawled under and found the outlet drain on the R/H side wall of the gearbox/prop shaft tunnel next to the gearbox and as you predicted it was made of rubber (i expected to find two drains but on my car i only had one). Small drips of water were emerging and dripping on the floor/my body every 2 seconds, but when i reached up and squeezed the rubber i was immediately drenched in about 12 plus litres of water.....that was my second shower of the day! When i inspected the outlet of the drain found that the rubber flap (the shape of a birds beak) which was supposed to stop dirt entering and allow water to escape had not been formed properly ie:- only about a quarter of it was slit/free of the rest of the rubber of the drain and allowing the water to escape. I then proceeded to release the rest of the flap. I have just come back from a 30 mile drive with the A/C on 16 Deg and max fan speed and thankfully no water has dripped onto the passenger foot well.....Job Done....until the next one? Thanks again Dave for your support and help. John
  4. Good evening Dave I have 2 bendy grandsons i could call on to help me (6 & 11 years old) and i'm sure that if i flash the cash they will help me with the tight spots..........l.o.l. Here's hoping it's an easy fix........will let you know how i get on. Kind regards John
  5. Evening Dave Thanks again for the useful information; I have checked out the newtis site and based on the information/special tools they detail i hope i don't have to start stripping the Dash to get at the A/C unit pipework. First job this coming weekend is to identify where the exit point of the L/H drain hose is under the car and hope it is blocked and that i can unblock it easily by using a flexible wire; if not i think this problem will have to be sorted out by my local garage. Thanks John
  6. Hi Dave Thanks for the information it was extremely useful and has sorted my "Where does it exit" issue. I looked at the www.realoem.com site as you suggested and found that there are Left and Right hand drain tubes (this now means i can easily find the exit point of the unblocked r/h drain tube by running the a/c unit with the car idling on my drive and looking for the tell tale puddle beneath the car and using some logic i reckon the exit point of the blocked l/h drain will mirror the r/h one on the l/h side of the car. What i'm hoping is that the Left Drain hose is blocked at the point where it exits the bottom of the car and when i find it will poke a piece of flexible wire up it to clear the blockage. If this does not work then i will have to start stripping the dash until i find the leaking/loose pipe (which on the exploded drawing on www.realoem.com is buried somewhere behind the dash) and repair/replace it. PS:- Do you know of any pics/photos i can access which details how to strip the dash without damaging any of the plastic parts? Thanks again for your help. John
  7. Yes i own two cx500ec Eurosports....one in bits and one on which i completed a nut and bolt restoration in 1990 and which has sat unused in my garage since 2007.
  8. Hi Upt'North These were the first areas i checked but they were clear.
  9. Hi Dave Thanks for the information. I am confident that the water is not entering through passenger door membrane or the door seal as it only happens when the Air Conditioning unit is on.
  10. Water in passenger foot well of my 2014 X1 Xdrive 20D se BMW, suspect blocked AC exit tube..where does it exit?
  11. I googled in BMW X1 owners club
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