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Everything posted by probase

  1. Proposing today! Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caz
    3. Steve


      how did it go?

    4. prestige interiors

      prestige interiors

      did she say yes its my wedding anniversary tomorrow

  2. 132mph on M1 with 1.9petrol! should i call it sparky?

    1. boringfatfrog


      Got 100mph this morning on the M3 and it was still going don't like going faster :(

  3. Same here :D thanks to car upholstery cleaner for i have brand new seats lol

  4. Upgraded dashboard trim from black to silver! And sports screen wipes. Whhoosshh

  5. busy day in and out

  6. Gave up smoking. Day one. lmfao

    1. G4VHD


      yo, im into week 5!!!

    2. mart77


      i'm 6 months on 1st of july.ggod luck mate

  7. just an opinion :)
  8. welcome Dan! E46 rocks! good choice mate. pm me if you would wish dedicated email like [email protected] :)
  9. ye:) and I also like this model more than "facelift" e46
  10. Here's my baby
  11. added some photos to my profile

  12. probase

    Lights on

    © probase e46se

  13. probase

    Clear rear

    © probase e46se

  14. probase


    © probase e46se

  15. Northampton to Kettering in 10 minutes! Rrroarr!

  16. ye heard it but never had one ;]
  17. hoping for good weather all day today.

  18. Welcome! I want 330d as well.. take it as i'm jelaous in a best possible way. gratz
  19. I'll be looking on it next weekend then ;]
  20. Hi all. Planning to install incar gps/phone system for my e46. anyone has done it and could suggest the best? looking to spend up to £500
  21. Hi pal! Nice to see you.
  22. Had a wonderful time with my sweetie last night. Love you Ernesta <3 Looking forward to see you this saturday. P.S. best ride evah (so far) :P

  23. Welcome on board pal.
  24. First day of the working week. I love my job...

  25. welcome. big cheer to e46
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