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Everything posted by Jim666

  1. Hi,did you drop the headlining?
  2. I suspect loom but it looks like a pig to get to?
  3. Rear wash wipe was intermittent now dead,have checked fuses tried another motor and steering wheel switch still dead. It looks like the wires in the tailgate hinge area to the right have been probed before,would like a view on this as to what I should be looking for am really frustrated now!
  4. Thanks very much now sorted
  5. Seat backs very difficult to release,the seat top mechanism doesn’t seem to release whatever holds the seat in place!
  6. It was the shocks
  7. Are these win a iPhone ads a con?
  8. Thumping over bumps etc seems to be from rear passenger side,more of a thump than a knock or rattle have had on a lift nothing appears to be loose have checked spare wheel just can’t find anything is driving me mad need help?
  9. Will do thanks
  10. Jim666


    Sorry should have said clock ,radio is fine have followed the manual but no luck just shows - - - 1 - - -
  11. I can’t find the radio! Done everything the manual tells me but all I get is. - - -1 - - -
  12. E46 tourer
  13. Do you have the centre console armrest that swivels up?
  14. Being disabled I am considering changing the drivers seat to power,if I can find one? Does it just need a power feed or is it more complex,is it possible the power plug is already fitted?
  15. Have checked fuses all ok but no pos feed down to washer motor is this likely to be the switch it will very intermittently operate if switch is left on
  16. Have now booked it in they suspect belts etc
  17. Whistling noises from engine quite loud? 320i 2001 estate
  18. Rear wiper has now stopped will move now and again?
  19. 320i 08 a low whine seems from diff that dissapears once you pick up speed doesnt worry me but does it need attention?
  20. The car is 96 so will check earth points etc and fuses again,thanks for help
  21. Looking for a clue! My 320 has lost power to windows,roof,mirrors.Have checked fuses all ok did have windows fuse blow some time ago and replaced, Haven’t a clue how to approach this help much appriciated !
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