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    E46 320Ci
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  1. Hello Lorna, We have two E46's one a 320Ci the other a 330Ci (VDO/Siemens MS43 ECM's) they both occationally do this. I have found that if you remove the key from the ignition, open and close the drivers door, no need to get out, lock using the remote, wait 10, or so seconds, unlock and the try again it clears the problem every time. I have also found it happens more often if you jump in and quickly go to start the car, which would make me think it's a "comms" issue. Being lazy in my old age, & because I have a fix, I have never bothered to investigate any further. My commuting vehicle is a 2009 Merc 220Cdi with 270K on the clock, this also does the very same thing too, but worse (can take several attemps to get it to clear & start) and more often than the E46's. We previously had a E39 525D (Bosch EDC 15C4 ECM) and this happened with that too. If you haven't already tried the Lock/Unlock method, give that a go. Alan.
  2. Hello, can you help? I am looking for a pair of 135 M Double Spoke rims, rear, for my e46 330Ci. I will have a pair of front rims surplus to requirements once I have found the correct rear rims, if that helps anyone.
  3. Can you help? I have just added an E46 330Ci to my "collection" and on the jobs list is a pair of rear rims, OME number: 37117896490, which is a type 135 M Double Spoke rim. I bought the car with four front rims fitted, so require two rear rims. I have two fronts, once I have the correct rear rims, if anyone is looking for some. Please contact me here or email: [email protected] if you can help. Thank you, Alan.
  4. aab104

    E46 320Ci 2002

    A lot of time, effort & money has gone in to this to get it to the standard it is. Love it. Wife's daily driver.
  5. aab104

    E46 320Ci 2002

    Almost flawless - Love driving this.
  6. aab104

    E46 330Ci 20003

    My new to me 330Ci on the day I collected it Dec 2019
  7. It will probably be easier to get to it from underneath, going from memory, this was over five years ago now, so having to think hard to recall.
  8. I seem to recall it is actually on the left hand side rear of the block, below the knock sensor. I'll see if I can find you a picture from when I rebuilt mine.
  9. Hello Trevor, This one:
  10. Hello John, I noticed today that there is a recal on mine. I have already contacted the dealer and it is for the replacement of the drivers airbag. I will get it booked in next week. I think on your sound system I would have just replced the head unit with a double DIN sound system/satnav/phone. Wouldn't have been any more expensive and you'd get a warranty on the new system too. I am just about to do that exact thing with mine as the 6 disc cd player has packed up.
  11. Hello Steve, There is something wrong with the 3 Series link. When you click on it it come up with the message, "Somethings gone wrong - Tell Us" or words along those lines. Alan.
  12. Hello Everyone, I am new to here, but have an E36 318ti, E39 525D & E46 320Ci which is the daily driver. The other two are both off the road currently. Also previously had an E46 318i 8V. A vehicle mechanic by trade with 35+ years experience, but try to keep my hands clean these days. Run a state of the art diesel remanufacturing site now. Probably should not mention the "M" word (as in Mercedes) but the Company car is a C220CDI Sport and despite it being, in my opinion, a Grandad's car, I am actually quietly impressed with the power, handling and ride. That being said, I would always own a BM by choice. I look at the from an engineering perspective and have always been impressed with them. Also have a Toyota RAV4 for fun and so I can actually get to work in the winter if it snows, a 6.5 V8 TD big block Chevy on a P30 chassis with a Winnebago coach on it and finally a Yaris which is the tow car for the Winnie. Oh yes, I also have (in many pieces) my 1974 Triumph Spitfire V 1500 which I have owned since 1983. So the male/car equivalent of a crazy cat lady! Alan.
  13. 320Ci Rear springs - Front calipers - Rear brake pipes - Rot in front wings (both now replaced) - Interior heater, fan motor end stage resistor - Other than that, no problems and a nice drive. I had an E46 touring (318i 8V), that needed front & rear springs while I had it - Coil pack - and the NSF seat airbag sensor went open circuit on it too.
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