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    X5 e53
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  1. Welcome to the site Neil. a wealth of information on here and a good bunch. always wanted an rx7 and toyed with the rx8 when the kids came along. im on about my 10th beemer.
  2. Right… hooked the computer up and it’s saying bank 1 and 2 deviation too rich. live feed seems ok and oxygen sensors seem to be stable and adjusting with each other at the same rates.
  3. I have all the stuff to code new keys for the x5 e53….. 😝😉 what you need is a blank key, cut to your barrel. a copy of bmw 1.4.0 or equivalent to see what key slot you have. A piece of kit called an ak47 key reader I think… you need to remove the dme module from the car and read it, copy it, allocate the key, write the programme to the chip in the key and refit the dme (then hope you have done it right or you have bricked a new key… ) enjoy the drive and a beer!
  4. That’s a noisy bearing or tensioner as greydog said. Try different things like turn the AC on and off to see if there is any difference. Hopefully an easy one.! welcome to the petrol X5 world!
  5. Hi all. 2002 x5 e53 3.0 petrol. eml light came on and the wife says the car feels slower. when the car is idling, it seems to have a very slight misfire. i put the small diagnostic reader on it and it came up with lean mix due to low fuel. I’ll rig the car up to the 1.4.0. Would it tell me which injector is playing up or is it best just to replace all 6? is it a straightforward job or a pain… simply because i have just had my gall bladder out! im supposed to rest up, but i have jobs that can be done for the next two weeks! 😂😂😂
  6. My x5 blew through the expansion/ filler leaving me stranded. Have a look through the forum. I had to get the car recovered home.
  7. X5smw


    Sorry, I can’t open any files… but mine will ding if the temperature is below 5’ as a warning of ice. Maybe it’s set to 10’ in yours?? just a thought
  8. Hi all. E53 2002 has decided to throw a tantrum again. firstly, the intermittent wiper has stopped wiping… all other settings are fine. secondly, the headlight symbol has disappeared from the dash… the blue full beam one comes on when active, but not the normal or dipped one. All external lights are fine and working correctly.
  9. I’m guessing @Greydog ‘s x5 is working…. Mine just threw an engine management light on ! 😂😂 I’ll deal with it soon.
  10. Lol… @Greydog just pops out and strips two cars … I managed to find a matching pair of socks! success all round!
  11. Sorry, I’m getting a bit confused. if the light comes on when there is someone in the seat, then the mat is working and the airbag is switched off if I’m understanding correctly if the bypass emulator is in and the light stays on, then it’s reading as though someone is in the seat and not the other way round? That’s why you can’t clear it. check the airbag on/off switch and see if it makes a difference in positions.
  12. ….. and mine is working….. give it 10 minutes and normality will resume mate….
  13. Stupid question, but is the airbag switched off? This would cause there symptoms?
  14. Hi. You have diagnosed the issue correctly. its the occupancy sensor in the passenger seat. possible it is a broken wire in the seat giving a high resistance which is why it’s reading faulty with the bypass switch?
  15. Hello. I have. 3.0l petrol manual version and I average 17mpg I recently replaced my throttle body and idle control valve and maf. Now it runs smoother and consumption has risen to 21mpg with lots more power back. possibly a good clean with redex and carb cleaner is a start?
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