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Everything posted by X5smw

  1. Awesome! thanks for that, I’ll give it a go later thanks Dave.
  2. Dave, thank you for your great reply. I am using a c110 scanner, it works wonders but I could do with the bmw one that everyone talks about... the 1.4.... mall the sensors are clicking and all sound the same, so I can’t seem to find the weak one. Ill get the other scanner and see what pops up. Thanks again!
  3. Hi, i have had a few BMW’s but I now have my first x5. Its an e53 2002 3litre petrol, manual. Anyway. Simple question about parking sensors.... as always, by sounds of it. Sorry if I need to post this somewhere else the system doesnt beep when I reverse. It beeps for a few seconds when I engage reverse and the light on the centre console flashes. I have checked the sensors and they are all clicking, front and back. I have plugged in the obd scanner and no codes are thrown up, I cleared them anyway, but still nothing. Any ideas, and please feel free to move this post if needed. thanks. Stu
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