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  1. Cheers to all, Someone know what it means this symbol>?low level of Cooling liquid? The car is bmw e60
  2. can t find information on realoem about these headlamps.Can u help me? code is Hella 1LL 009 449-03 AG AS717772907 7 177 729 -07 and Hella 1LL 009 449-04 AG A8717773007 7 177 730-07 ECE RL
  3. i don t think u understand my dilemma.Nevermind.I quit.thx anyway
  4. my car is pre lci with halogen H7,and i buy this headlamp LCI because i like so much this model and is without Xenon,but i don t know if the donor car was UK or EU.All i want to know is if i can mount this LCI headlamp on my pre lci car.Also, I want to mention this headlamp from screenshot is with H7 normal,NO XENON! My dilema is what to mean ECE RL and ECE LL? ECE RL is for UK traffic and ECE LL is for Europe?or viceversa? i want headlamp for Europe because i want to be in normality. I don t live in UK,i am from Romania
  5. Cheers to all, Can u help me please with an DILEMMA pleasee?I want to know for 100 procent if these headlamps is for LHD(Left hand drive) or RHD UK?Some sites tell me is for UK and other tell me is for Europe LHD.I don t know what to believe.Someone who know for sure,can help me? Part number for one headlamp is: Hella 1LL 009 449-03 AG AS717772907 7 177 729 -07 ECE RL Ek280W (left headlamp label) and for another headlamp is: Hella 1LL 009 449-04 AG A8717773007 7 177 730-07 ECE RL Ek280W (right headlamp label) thanks in advance.
  6. i'm not...
  7. I found the info: for leather is: Leather "Dakota"/beige (LCBA) and for fabric is: either ALBA or ABBA.I m not sure 100% but I think is ALBA http://bmwfans.info/parts-catalog/E60/Europe/530d-M57N/L-N/sep2005/browse/technical_literature/sample_page_upholstery_colors_fabric https://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/showparts?id=NA53-USA---E60-BMW-525i&diagId=01_0854
  8. I don t have VIN anymore because I don t have the car anymore since 2013.Infact was not my car anyway.My car have diferent color trim.All I want is to change all my interior with this "beige light" color.Btw u are 100% sure is "beige light"?I ask this because some people have different opinions.Some people told me is : Camel Sapphire color for example, and another pack of people told me is dark-cream color.I don t know what to believe anymore.All I know is I LOVE so much that unidentified color .Since 2013 I can t even remember the rest of the interior color of that car.Is the only picture I have :(
  9. Cheers Can someone identify the exact color of the picture ? I would like to know which color is exactly.I want to change my interior in my car and put it exactly like in the photo. The problem is i can't find nowhere this colour. I really love this color..... thanks in advance,
  10. of course dvd is wired at video module,because the image on CID screen is from videomodule.Without videomodule the dvdc retrofit is not possible I know.Cd changer is officialy DEAD like I said on first post because on MOST ring is not possible to have simulateneously dvdc and cdc. S672 cdc is disabled on most,In VO option S672 is no longer available.he is good only to close the loop ring most,because if I remove cdc from glove box TV and DVD is disabled automatically because the most ring remains in the air does not close the fiber loop. And I don t know why cdc on tree list is still on because in vehicle order is no longer available. nevermind my car was not originally configured for a DVD or TV.I made the reftofit on TV and DVD.can u tell me pls what mean loom section and the bus controller?maybe here is a trick and I don t know thanks
  11. Greydog try to watch more carefull at my first post.I have videomodule in my car and video module is working perfect without problem.this movie is form my car
  12. is not the right changer , is form F series but is compatible with E60 I know for sure.Look this guy have the same car like me,the same changer like me and his changer working without any problems.He can select dvd changer from 1 to 6.
  13. Cheers to community, I have an bmw e60 520d from 2006 and I can't finish dvd changer retrofit on this car.I don't know where I wrong. dvd works on the car in a proportion of 80% I say. I have the controls on the steering wheel: before, back, play, pause everything work perfect, except the menu for changing DVDs from 1 to 6. There I have the gray band, I do not understand why. I use the original program ISTA and there it tells me that the dvd changer does not communicate with the car .in the tree list is marked with RED . Otherwise the cdc does not available anymore on the car. Who made me this retrofit told me that the car does not accept at the same time cdc and dvd changer. It would not be the problem for me anyway. I give up the definitive at cd changer -But why does the reality on the testers never beat the reality on the car? So is not communicate with the car on the tester, but the dvd on car working at 80%. I do not explain. Is it somehow wrong, is there a conflict with the cdc that I can not see the menu of changing DVDs? Where am I wrong? I attach some pics and a movie.Can u help me to understand where I wrong?Also Sometime the video image is flickering.. thanks, https://vimeo.com/367020828
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