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Everything posted by acrybb
Right, I have an 06 E90 320D running 16" wheels all round Ditched the RFTs ages ago and rolled with a can of gunk in the boot until now. After 2 failed attempts using the gunk I have decided the only way forward is either go back to RFTs which i am not keen on the idea although the best tyre I can see is the Goodyear efficient grip RFT coming in at £95 per corner. I currently go for the same tyre in non RFT which are just about £30 cheaper, more fuel efficient & have better wet grip. However its gonna be a trade off as I will lose a fair portion of my boot if i buy a spare. If I do go the spare route what size would I need to buy for it to properly fit my car? I could however creat a false bottom of my boot so that i dont lose the floorspace, just depth from floor to top. Thanks Andy GoodYear Efficient Grip RFT GoodYear Efficient Grip
Quoted £500 from Mitchell ingles in glasgow after negotiation. Initially quoted me for a part from BMW I then said that it would be as cheap to go to bmw themselves and have the insurance pick up the over the excess cost.
Righty, After ripping a hole in my front bumper using some other poor blokes car I now need a new front bumper. Fortunately not much damage to his car or mine and no injuries. A local approved body shop with a good reputation has quoted about £500. This is around my excess so I am paying for it. Does anyone know of any good reputable body shops in the Glasgow area who might be competitive? Thanks Andy I have cleaned the damaged area so it doesn't look as bad now. The black stuff is from the tyre on the other car :)
it cost just shy of £1kto have fixed. From buying the car 3 years ago it displayed the 1st symptom from day 1. i wouldnt reccommend just leaving it to it goes. After i had it fixed the guys at B4BMW suggested that if it was to fail it could cause damage. I would say in my experience, not necessarily my expert opinion that you could be ok for a few months to get the money together. I would definitley say get it done. It make a massive difference to the driveability of the car :) Best 1k i ever spent on a car lol I now, however need to go find out how much my front bumber will be to be replaced as i had a driving fail this morning. If its less than my XS then i'll just have to have it done. Andy
I think I will try my best not to go back. I promise myself each time I won't. Problem is that they have the greatest variety of cars. I also don't really wanna go private. Stratstone seem to be well recommended. Any ideas where is best to go?
To check its a tail light at the tail end of the car reverse up to a wall at night & switch all the lights on in turn remembering your brake lights. Then once you have done that turn all your lights off and switch on your front lights on turn you don't need a wall for this :). If your headlamp is flickering check the connections if you're in anyway technical it is just a case if checking the plugs are in right. If this doesn't help check the bulbs are in securely. If you still have this problem then you might need to pop down to your local garage.
Tbh it's one of those things that are expensive on any car. It's also something you'll do once in an ownership. The joys of second hand motoring.
Guys, Just had to have my DMF & Clutch replaced. I now find this infuriating & here is why: I bought the car 3 years ago from uncle Arnold (Clark). After driving it for a couple of weeks I noticed one or two problems most of which were fixed by AC. One of the problems was that the car was never smooth on take off. I had to give it about 1500 rpm to get a smooth take off. I pointed this out to AC and the just fobbed me off with my driving style. I now know that this is the first symptom of DMF on its way out. It was only recently that it went into imminent failure mode when I started to press down on the clutch I could here an obvious knocking noise. So the 3 things I noticed about a broken clutch: 1. Car is not smooth on take off unless more than enough revs are given 2. Clutch pedal was very heavy 3. Knocking noise when pressing the clutch down. Anyway I am happy with the fact the car is now back to what it should be, unhappy it cost £950 to have fixed but that’s just what these things cost. However most of all I feel that if AC took my complaint seriously at the time that I brought it up then it could have been fixed then at their cost. Maybe I am just having a grump :) Andy
Found out what this was. Faulty breather on the fuel tank. Advice from my local indy was to replace at a cost of £188 fitted. OR i just dont fill the tank right up. I would have just got it fixed but just replaced the DMF & Clutch + service £1100. Ouch!! Andy
There was no leak the fluid was either other cars leaking and me parking over it or he suggested it could be the air con breather or bleed or something that could be dropping the fluid. He says the car is dry underneath so I need not worry. MOT tomorrow and he pre checked it and said it should pass so happy days.
No charge either :). Top guys!!
All good clean bill of health spotless underneath :)
Ah good news!!!!! Took it to the lads at b4bmw in Clydebank. No leak from any of the oily bits. Pressure testing the cooling system. Happy days :)
Hi, I am fearing the worst here. It is one of 2 things. I dont believe it is my oil sump as the level seems normal. So I think it is either the gearbox casing ( i dont believe the manual box has a sump pan like the autobox) or the fuel filter (which has been replaced in the last year). I went a drive the other week (20th march) and bottomed out on a single track road the car has seemed fine until today when I noticed a fair amount of oil/diesel under the car. I have done 600+ miles this week so i think I may have finally bust whatever might have hit the deck or the hose clip on the fuel filter has gone or something. The guy kept the old clips rather than use the new ones when replaced the filter. (can ya guess which i hope it is?) It is near the front passenger area and not at the front. I know the fuel filter is on the passenger side of the car near the middle. anyway whats the possible repair for a cracked casing or worse replacement. Thanks Andy
Hey, Got it fixed it was a steering angle fault. All sorted
Steering angle fault.
Hi folks, Just had my Suspension struts (F&R), front & rear brake discs, pads, parking brake shoes and fluid all done. Car feels much nicer to drive now. However on my way to work last night my dash board threw up Tyre Pressure fault, Brake fault & Traction Control fault. No change to cars behaviour. The mechanic who did the work obviously had to disconnect wheel speed sensors I assume that the wheel speed sensor is responsible for looking after all the functions I mentioned? If this is the case is it a fair guess that one of the sensors is not connected properly? If not what else could it be given the work carried out on my car? I had a quick peek into the wheel arch and seen that the box containing the sensor connections had opened and allowed what looked like the Pad wear sensor to fall out (white one). I put it back in and closed the box but obviously that isnt gonna cure the errors. I have a 2006 (06) E90 320D Thanks Andy
WTF are swirl flaps? lol Why are people removing them and should I? Do i have em? (E90 '06 320D)
Air filter changed. That is a little more complicated than it really has to be. The lower pollen filter where the cable tidy clips onto has to come off The full engine cover middle part and rear part has to come off The drivers side tension arm needs to come off. then you can take the air filter housing out. Looking at the haynes manual its a little confusing. It shows you taking off the engine cover then the filter housing with the lower pollen filter housing and tension arm already removed but entitles the list of instructions as per a 6 cylinder engine. I would rather the BMW technical instructions but i dont have them so the crappy haynes will have to do. Every car i have ever owned the air filter is simply pop off a cover change the filters and pop the cover back on. I didnt get involved in the Fuel filter change. Andy
EK? Just up the road in Glasgow. Did that with mrauto it gave me 300 & 330 option. Andy
Hmm Seems that MrAuto are not very well thought of. Happy customers seem to be the minority. Although maybe its a case of a good service you tell a pal bad service you tell everybody? Andy
Right a quick update. I have still been searching for parts. Now that i know who makes the filters for my car (mann) i can properly search. just a reminder here are the dealer prices: Air - £25.44 Oil - £19.46 Pollen- £42.28 Fuel - £44.51 Now here are the Mann Filter prices non BMW marked: Air Filter £9.59 Oil £6.13 (Part number matches BMW one) Pollen £9.59 (Active Carbon one) Fuel £17.81 (the BMW one has MANN in big letters on it) Total Price for the aftermarket actual BMW filter set: £43.12 VS a total BMW price of: £131.69. I didnt have a problem going aftermarket but i didnt know who made the filters on my car had i known this i would have saved myself £60 (i didnt get the BMW Pollen filter). Check the brakes now. Had a look i am unsure of the diameter of the discs. Im guessing it will be the 300mm and 330 for the M sport ones? Andy
Just changedy pollen filter. I took the cover off the engine then removed the aid intake neck and I could only see 2 of the bolts to remove the air filter housing. The book say remove the acoustic housing. But it looks like the pollen filter and the cover underneath that need to come out?
Of course not. That's why they won't do it. I don't think it's justification for silly prices. Andy
It's a scam in a way but they cannot guarantee that the parts you give them are genuine parts which ever brand they are even if they are bmw. They don't know they are not Chinese copies.