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Everything posted by davyboy

  1. any suggestions about best place to get a spare wheel for my 2005 330 ci please.?
  2. change password

  3. thanks no it doesnt have it have to do it manually i was told its the city pack..no prob.. dave..
  4. Thanks Chris really appreciate it!! will do it now.... David...
  5. Hi new mwmber bought 330 ci con yesterday from lookers braintree essex unfortunately no owners manual!!!every other manual but!! can someon tell me how i adjust wing mirrors for parking..they tuck up dont they? dave...thanks!!
  6. Hi just joined today..!! purchased 330 ci convertible yesterday from lookers braintree essex. 2005reg unfortunately there is no manual !!! Can i check it is possible to adjust the wing mirrorsso that they are tucked up when parking??im not sure how to do it until i can get owners manual!! Dave.!!
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