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  1. Visteon Mfg. code BMTC054428 Sirus I.D. 0270279331902 Thanks
  2. viston mfg.code BMTC054428 sirus I.D. 0270279331902 Something for its 200k party, '25 and Tranks!
  3. Dave, thanks for getting back with me. I'm not with my car now but I will message you back when I get home!
  4. I am trying to "register" my satellite receiver bought on e-bay, The wiring harness Coax and power were stuffed into left side of trunk. All connected! Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Thanks for the reply, I actually have a great local dealership, but I need to at least look at getting a "patch cable" for my laptop. Take care, Ron Mayeur
  6. I bought a used '07 530i without Sirius option, I have purchased the module for the trunk on E-Bay, it connected to the factory harness in the trunk. Now to get it interfaced, what are the options? Thanks, Ron Mayeur Pekin, il.
  7. So I have a 2007 BMW 530i that has a towing capacity of 4300# and I would like to find a class 2 hitch for it. It is a manual trans (6speed) looking to tow my 2400# camper plus gear. Thanks!
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