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wayne 318

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Everything posted by wayne 318

  1. hi guys dose anyone know if a throttle cable for e46 2000i would fit e46 318i 1900cc any help would be great.
  2. cheers gav yir a good man
  3. cheers gav but ive been a supporter for a while now but no sticker.
  4. hi everyone can anyone tell me how to get hold of a owners club rear window sticker any help would be great thanks
  5. hello everyone my car has been offf the road for a few months iam getting it ready for its mot but now for no reason the airbag warnig light has come on. any ideas please help thank
  6. Hi everyone iam findin it hard to get a sporty back box fur my e46 touring. Ive found a sportex one but it says it fur a 318 16v my one is a 8v dose any one know if this box will fit.If not any leads on where to get one with a £200 budget would be great thanks. :(
  8. wayne 318

    Cooling Fan

    Thanks gav. :D
  9. wayne 318

    Cooling Fan

    cheers gav. do you know if sensor can be done without takeing off manifold
  10. wayne 318

    Cooling Fan

    Hello every bod peeps. today i bled agian not on ramps thought.Nothing changed as soon as i start car fans on. Both hoses feel fine hot and hard !Removed! on! This only happend fi i put new header tank on but iam at a loss heater is nice and hot. It cant be electical all ive done is change header clear water fi bleeder. At my wits end wi this f**kin car. the ultimate driving machine my #####
  11. wayne 318

    Cooling Fan

    cheers for reply. There is no warning light on dash. the only sensor on header tank is a level sensor. can you give me some advice on how to bleed it the correct way i have tryed it three times. i have only bled the top bleed screw. Is there another way ?
  12. wayne 318

    Cooling Fan

    I have just changed the header tank on me motor and now the fan comes on when the car is still cold and stays on all the time.I have bled it all three times just incase. Any ideas :unsure:
  13. can i have a sticker please. how do i give you my address bud :D
  14. hi guys i have just developed a sticky accelerator. i have checked cable it all looks ok any ideas.
  15. Hi daz cheers for that but found f-all.But i dont really know what iam looking for.Any help wid be bang tidy. :D
  16. is there a way to turn off the service indicator on the dash without plugging it in to anything. cheers
  17. cheers guys i cant mind the name of that valve its something like dessus it just infront of the air vent valve i dont know mutch about bmw engine to many things on air system to go wrong.How do i go about cleaning throttle body. :unsure:
  18. I took it into bmw today and they siad it was some valve i cant remember the right name for it but booked in tomorrow to get it done they said it would be £200 ish deep joy.i think i bought the car just intime to repace every thing..hay ho
  19. will do cheers bud.
  20. Hi eveyone i have just got a 318i 1900cc and it feels under power i replaced the air vent valve as advised but no joy.the power is very patchy not as perky as i would think it should be.any ideas thanks mutch
  21. wayne 318

    100 0095

    From the album: 318

  22. wayne 318


  23. wayne 318

    100 0097

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