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3-series-nut last won the day on September 4 2011

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    320i coupe
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  1. ok mate thats wicked thanks thats helped me alot cheers
  2. hi there could anyone help please? i am having to put my 36 up for sale problem is someone has said to me that by the look of my wheels they could be worth alot my themselfs they are 18 inch MOMO bmw wheels and will upload a pic he could of been talking rubbish so though i would ask people that might actually no, will try upload a pic now many thanks
  3. I would say garmin all the way because can never get my gmaps to work properly on my android :)
  4. i would defo say bike has to go before the m3 mate especially if its only £15 differant, and do u really wanna c some1 drive away in your m3 and then for u to have to drive away on a bike??
  5. ok thanks to you both for that i will check all them out tomorow and see if it sorts anything, thanks again
  6. ha ha no way, that stuff is awfull any way it makes the tyre hard for about ten minutes max, most of the time not even enough to get home, such a waste of money :)
  7. hi can anyone help me please? my problem is happening most mornings when on my way to work i will try my best to explain without it sounding to confusing so here it goes, im driving down the link road doing about 60-70 mph as i approach the roundabout and press in the clutch ready to change down gears the oil and battery light come on and the rev counter drops to 0 but the car still running and not quite stalling i dont think cause normally got music up quite load then when i get it in gear and relase the clutch the lights go off and the rev counter comes back alive, this is happening on average a couple times a week maybe once a day or sometimes once on the way to work and once on the way back, i wouild really appreciate any help anyone can give me or at least a couple ideas, look forward to getting a reply many thanks peps.
  8. It is a stunning car, shame there all sold straight away :-(
  9. who likes the new m1 that bmw have done?
  10. cant forget the whole of JLS aswell and peter andre :)
  11. i would have to say robbie williams, justin beaber, ahhhh so many now ive thought about it :)
  12. hi there mate welcome to the site hope u enjoy your bmw and this site it can be very helpful :)
  13. hi mate i had similar problem with and old car of mine i put the ends of 2 spoons either side and ripped the tape out but gotta say dont no if this done the tape deck any good but wasnt a worry for me as never used it and never wanted to :) hope u get it sorted mate!!
  14. 1) honda crx 1.8 v tech 2) pug 306 1.4 (heap of s**t) 3) corsa 1.4 4) k plate vauxhall cavalier sri red top 5) m plate subaru impreza wrx 2.0 turbo 6) k plate vauxhall cavalier sri redtop again!! 7) pug 406 estate ( after writting off cavie) 8) pug 206 (borrowed) 9) bmw 320i coupe (keeping this one as its amazing) couple coaches but they were for work :)
  15. cheers guys sorted it now at last a mate re wired it all for me whilst i was at work how ideal is that :) cheers anyway
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