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  1. Please tell me you can help.... 2010 118d, car purchased on finance in March 2021, 3 weeks later electronics failed, I called bmw they advised me of a recall which is battery related, bmw recovered the car had the work done and it ran for 3 days then shut down again, I asked bmw for a full print out of the issues then contacted the sales garage again advising them of the issue that bmw advised was a power steering issue and it’s a 2k fix, they ignored this and fixed a battery terminal issue which bmw did under recall. I left all relevant paperwork in the car and paid to have the car recovered 50 miles away, they kept the car 3 weeks to do the electrical issues, a drop link and a damper both of which were dangerous and I had fight for. I liaised with my finance company all the way through, because it had gone over the 30 day period by law I had to give them one chance to fix it or refund me, obviously they opted to try and fix it, in the meantime I spoke with citizens advice and asked where I stood if they car was fixed and the problem resurfaced months down the line, they told me I could throw the keys in. I’ve had the car back 4/5 weeks, did a beach run over the weekend and it shut down when I got home, if the power would have failed on the way back I may not be here now. Has anyone had a similar issue and managed to get this repaired?.
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