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  1. Thanks Greydog, I did wonder if the 635 motor & wiring was the same as another BMW model - I'll try to check this out
  2. Hi, Any suggestions where to get an offside door mirror for my 1987 E24. I just need the internal bits, motor etc. Thanks for reading Joely
  3. Hi Dave, Thanks, very much appreciated Graham
  4. My 1988 635csi has just the 635 in chrome on rear, so need to add CSi. BMW now only sell the CS & the i separately - the CS bit has pins on back & the i is 'stick-on'. I have seen for sale a one piece 635 CSi badge but it is on a black background & I'm not sure it is right for a 1988 car. Advice would be appreciated
  5. Hi, Would appreciate some advice - I have a 1988 635csi & need to replace the CSI part of the boot badge. BMW now only sell the CS bit, with pins to fit pre-drilled holes and the i as a separate stick-on. However, I think the whole badge in 1988 was all one piece and on a black background. Can anyone give a steer on this please? Many thanks, Graham Joel
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