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    X4 f26
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  1. Hi dave. Thanks. I've had issues in the past with 2 x hondas and 1 x rav 4 . I had the last honda remapped and then it ran 4 years with no issues at all. I've had 2 x bmw petrol previously many years ago. So thought I'd try bmw again but I've now read about issues with bmw as well on regeneration. I don't do a lot of miles but I do like luxury driving. Hence the x4 . I just want to avoid or negate any problems before/if they happen . I've had my bmw 8 weeks, so far it's been great . But I'd like to know beforehand if an issue is building up with the dpf/regeneration and how to clear it. Your reply is very helpful, I had seen the carly app and thought paying for that over 3 years subscription I may as well get it remapped and be done with it. Or try another obd with bimmercode, hence my questions on here. Also I like the idea of changing settings to how I want them ( not engine ) so I'd like to go down the bimmercode route initially with a Bluetooth type obd connection for bimmercode. What would be your recommendation 🤔. Thanks again for your help and any information much appreciated. Cheers.
  2. Awesome looking car.
  3. Hi guys. I'm new here. I've been reading about regeneration and obd2 bluetooth scanners ect. Any help here with what to buy will be much appreciated. I have a x4 f26 82k. Cheers.
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