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    520d M-sport F10
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  1. f10 parking brake control fault, handbrake will engage and disingage when I clear the fault code. Then fauly comes back on within a few minutes and then the handbrake will not work. Has anyone changed then brake control unit before and did you have to get it coded to the car?
  2. Thanks dave, Yes everything works perfect, phone, Bluetooth, sat nav (badly needs an update)Bluetooth audio ,radio and voice controls. Was on a 3 hour round trip yesterday and only when I turn on the ignition and the hu powers up does the call trigger and mute the infotainment. When I had the boot open looking for the combox the radio came on by itself after 10mims or so which then triggered the call also. If I could stop or code out the call from muting the audio I could definitely live with that. I have bimmercode and bimmerlink via Bluetooth obd2.
  3. Thank you dave your a gentleman, yeah the combox definitely looks like that but I think it doesn't take a battery. Just today one of the emergency calls actually went through. So hard to find out what is triggering the call when there is no fault codes. I even had the button disconnected
  4. Dave would you know what would happen if I plug a fibre optic loop in at the combox? would that stop the sos function and leave the radio and Bluetooth etc working? I seem to have just a combox couldn't find a tcu to put the battery into
  5. Thanks dave, yeah I work selling truck parts and have access to most epc's so if your ever looking part numbers I should be able to help
  6. I see on the vin number the car does have a back up battery for the tcb, I don't have a fault code for it but maybe it would be worth changing? The car battery was original so i assume this will be to. My car apparently has a combox fitted
  7. Thanks dave, I will try that
  8. The car did have this fault code on bimmerlink before I cleared it though
  9. No I didn't renew it,? I only bought the car 1 week ago. Its 10 years old now, I cant find anything in the idrive menu or at least I don't see anything. Maybe it's something that can be coded out
  10. Hi, my car has connected drive but I don't know if that's the issue. My Bluetooth audio and satnav still work but for some reason the car attempts an emergency call when the head unit has been off for a while. When the call fails the radio comes back on. Thanks for the reply
  11. Hi everyone, could some one please help. Everytime I get in into my car it starts an emergency call, is it possible to completely code out/switch off this functionality? Your help is much appreciated
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