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Everything posted by Davey-Suffolk

  1. Can anybody tell me where to buy good adhesive pads for the mirror cluster on a 320i F31?
  2. Update. I took a plastic salad bowl, and covered it inside and out, with a lid, with foil. It did nothing to slow down the fob's signals, so I concluded that this was not really a viable solution to the remote signal jam problem. So I now have a real Faraday Bag, which is where my keys live while they are in the house, and a steering wheel lock, the one preferred by Which?.
  3. I had a foil food tray left over from yesterday's dinner, so I tried using that as a shield, holding it up between the key fob and the car, which was parked outside, maybe 20ft away. Whatever I did, the car locked and unlocked without hesitation. So I am now looking at real Faraday bags.
  4. Thanks. I have always known that CCTV cannot be relied on, it just might help. I used to have a steering lock many years ago when I parked my Daimler SP250 in a Tube station car park, one day the car had been moved a couple of yards up to the point where the locked steering meant it could go no further. But I thought that they had declined in use recently, as the baddies just tended to cut them off or even break the steering wheel. But you can never be too sure. Once, in Baltimore, MD, I stopped in a traffic light queue and looked at the car parked at the roadside next to me. The boot was so rusted that I could see the contents, but the car was safe, it had a steering lock. Cheers.
  5. Many thanks for that. I had wondered about the Faraday box, but wasn't sure if foil would be enough to stop the signals. Now I will make one, today. It will also help me remember where my keys are! Although I have CCTV, it still is no good once the car has been stolen, it's gone. Cheers and thanks.
  6. Being a newbie to BMW ownership, I wonder if the problem of thieves using a relay to use the key fob, inside the house, to unlock the car parked outside, is real. I know this is particularly bad for Range Rovers, but is it something I need to worry about, or have BMW got it successfully covered? Car is a 2017 320i.
  7. I am on my first BMW, a 2017-reg. 320i X-Drive Msport Touring, with 34,000 miles. Beautiful condition, seems perfect. It came from a dealer of the Sytner group, and now I am being offered an extension of the 3-month dealer warranty. But my nearest Sytner dealer is miles away, and I'm not sure if this is worth £55+ per month. I know this is not much detail, but are these extended warranties generally worth having, or not? David-Suffolk.
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