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Everything posted by robwest121

  1. i've been fitting an alarm on my 1993 bmw 520i,everything on it is ok but i'm having trouble finding the central locking wires can anyone help please
  2. ok ty
  3. iused wd40 and the sunroofs work great now. thanks
  4. i'm looking at putting am alarm on my 520i se but all the web sites keep asking about can bus,is my bmw a can bus type???
  5. ok ty
  6. hi i've just bought my first bmw its a 1993 520i se touring 2litre,the question is should i use regular unleaded or super unleaded
  7. anyone got any ideas on what i should use to lubricate the runners on the sunroof to make it open smothly and faster
  8. just got my first bmw its a 520i touring only 2 l but i love it and it was cheap only £400 bargain
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