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    320D Compact
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  1. Gav PM for you .
  2. Congrats to you all :)
  3. KES

    17 Mv2 Alloy.

    Passed a mobile wheel refurbisher today amd written on the van was buckled wheels straightened. Worth investigating . http://www.wheelrepair.co.uk/ Preston http://www.smartalloylancaster.co.uk/ Blackpool http://www.alloywheelrepairslancashire.co.uk/ Bury All offer wheel straightening
  4. Gav if its just a hairdressers car yer after save the wonga and get this . http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2003-FORD-STREETKA-LUXURY-03-REG-JUST-BEEN-RESPRAYED-PINK-STREET-KA-/160677629319?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item2569220d87
  5. Sat nav for sale which is completely toss see GAV :lol:
  6. Yep pleasent afternoon and nice that Chris took the kids for a drive in his X5 . Looking at their little excited faces as they were getting in must have looked just the same as their first fairground ride :lol:
  7. http://www.citypowdercoating.co.uk/#!__contact-us They are a git to get hold of on the phone ya doh need to book em in just turn up n leave em . Sposed to phone me when ready but did'nt I just went yesterday cus I could'nt get the phone answered and they were ready since the Wednesday which woulda been a 3 day turn around .
  8. 0121 448 7646.
  9. Chees lads :)
  10. Black no more, feels like I do not need a bakebean tin welded to the tailpipe or slammed so it becomes a snowplow :D Somepeeps woulda prefered the black but not for me . The place I had em powder coated only charged £120 and that was with removing and refitting + balancing .
  11. You were so excited after the test dtive yow !Removed! bought it tho :D :lol:
  12. OK 11 yours Matt, Gav you in yer mums Vauxhal :lol:
  13. Hi dude I dropped those 18's off this morning to be powdercoated . They have there own tyre remover. When done and you want to do yours you can borrow my spares to keep you mobile. Total cost is £130 which after searching around appear to be the cheapest in Brum. Looking at the amount of wheels in their would confirm that. PS what time n where you wanna meet up Sunday morning.
  14. 1. Poss choke sensor had a similar prob on the wifes golf , how clean is the airfilter , feel for any blocked breather pipes . 2.Could be wheel balancing or a warped wheel . 3.Difficult one get yer head in the bay when cold to pinpoint it . 4 Poss a joint which seals when the exhaust expands 5.Poss head gasket check the dipstick for contamination . 6, Pull the pipe off going to the jets to see if it still does it, if it does check the pipe for splits . Other than that sell it on ebay with a warm engine and clean screen :rolleyes:
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