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Everything posted by KES

  1. Mart I only listen to AM when Blues are in it . Wheels are sweet and stick like poo to a blanket, tempted to powder them silver somewhere between remapping and suspension upgrade :lol: I get the feeling when I pass the first gritter most of the paint wil be on the tarmac :angry: Still waiting for that number for the powder coaters .
  2. One thing I will coff up to is being an abolute numpty when it comes to electrics. :blink: Can anyone point me in the right direction to the title that when I put my rear demister on the above happens to my radio.
  3. Martin if there is no switch to turn the heated seats on I would say no.
  4. This is how I do it on my E46 worth a try on yours .
  5. If they could be fitted with auto openers it would be a pieice o pee to find yer motor at an event carpark . Just follow the sounds of WTF and laughter . :lol: Or you can always do this .
  6. Kill it now and I will donate it to your engine rebuild :D
  7. Cheers lads , Gav if I ever lower it that will be when I get round to overhauling all the bushes . On the plus side my trolly nows fits under it with no manual handling :lol:
  8. Picked up these of Mart77 today I'm chuffed sorry for the poor shots in this dull old day . Just gotta get some bimmer center caps and put the sprayed silver locker covers back on :D
  9. KES

    The 46 Is Dead!!!

    From what I read it looks like a piston 2 valves manifold topend gasket set and possibily the head crown cleaned up and maybe the valve seats redone if they have marked up . :mellow: It you look at that link I sent you to the blockoff plates you can see a pick of the damage when it just eats a screw . http://www.pmwltd.co.uk/?page_id=155
  10. KES

    The 46 Is Dead!!!

    Fark me what a bummer can you rebuild yersen on the plus side I have 4 swirl flaps in a tin if you need one ;)
  11. Thank god you did'nt say Villa I woulda been chuffed at leaving know deposit :lol:
  12. Talk about being popular how the fook has this had 4300 viewings :mellow:
  13. Could'nt say or ask my mate ,who is know in Oz I think the guy also owned a taxi firm. From what I gather you would'nt have wanted to !Removed! around in their . Lol Thats unless of course you are offering me a cuddle in the Colbrook . :o
  14. Might see you in the Colebrook sometime for a brew . Cor say I've used the Lodge, years ago it used to be run by a mates mate who was one of or ex Zulu.
  15. Mart its not very often I buy private with all the haggle hassle but with you it was easy, let me know when the bimmer is up for sale ;) :lol:
  16. Is'nt it Mormons that do'nt drink tea or coffee ;)
  17. Well after checking my new hoops out Martin was as good as his words. Mind you I had to drive a whole mile to look at them :lol: On the downside no cuppa :( ;)
  18. Gav I am in no rush but you could enquire on the price etc it may be good for you . Lucky I was buying £5 better off :lol:
  19. No but the testemoinals look good . Im sure most of em use the same remap that was set up by another person .
  20. What a knob I gave you a misstype its 07889585288 sorry your text is now with an immgrant Polish family looking for digs :(
  21. Ok I will give it till xmas for O2 to receive :lol: Do not put the kettle on yet .
  22. Text me your addy If you want or we can look like pikeys with em in your car in the lodge carpark lol I could be there before your kettles boiled :lol:
  23. Yes its about 5 mins away I'm near the Colebrook .
  24. Emaps I think its more Brownhills way . http://www.e-maps.co.uk/
  25. Ow bin ya . Gav looking at your profile how longs Walsall been in Derbyshire Gonna pop to a place by you next year for a remap :)
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