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  1. Now I feel a bit stupid. So I decided to bleed rear passenger side knowing fine well it would make no difference. Took the wheel off and immediately found the problem nipple on passenger side was at the top yes u have guessed it wrong caliper they gave me for driverside so it would of never of bled in a million years. So back to motor factors turned out the box was already open when I got it so it was the right box but wrong caliper inside someone had changed it somewhere down the line and handed it back with the passengers side caliper in the driverside box. My issue is why I never noticed it straight away numpty. Anyway thx to everyone who gave advice much appreciated. Scot the sniper
  2. Google search
  3. Hi I have an x1 2010 2.0d loving the site BTW quick replies to a question brilliant
  4. Cheers dave it is that aide I clamped the flexi and started car pedal was fine I'm gonna clamp the 4 of them incase fluid did get that low and take one of ar a time and take it from there doing ur trick night work I will bring my snap on diagnostic with me tomorrow as well see if it will recycle the pump as well
  5. Hi greydog. I took lid of resivour done shoes pads and discs I clamped the flexi pipe rear drivers side took off old caliper replaced new caliper took of clamp got a friend to go in the car checked fluid level all ok opened nipple said down closed nipple done this 4 times pedal crap ok pump up the pressure 3x opened nipple still crap pressure bled it today still crap. Hellllp
  6. Hi replaced my rear driverside caliper I clamped the flexi pipe going to the caliper to caliper off replaced new caliper bled it now I can't get a pedal can't understand it no air in the pipe pure fluid coming out help plz. Scot
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