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Everything posted by torres

  1. I do speaky la English :-) Jajaja:-D váyanse a bañar Jajaja:-D. Is just a saying that's how we talk :-)
  2. Thanks gab
  3. Thanks man. I forgot to tell u that Im not white I'm Hispanic so English is my 2nd language :)
  4. Thank you daz for your help. We'll keep in touch. Well I hope the hurricane won't kill me :-( Jajaja:-D hope not.
  5. Now I lost':/ :-)
  6. Thanks man I from U S
  7. What's auto-leaky ':/?
  8. I have another problem . The right headligt is not working the light bulb it works and I checked the module fuse and there are good
  9. Thanks man ur right yesterday my battery was dead
  10. Even when I keep changing it still blinks
  11. torres

    my m3

    From the album: my m3 in nc

    this is my m3 i hope you like it
  12. torres

    my m3 in nc

  13. Well when I put my car in first gear the front panel says 1 but it keeps blinking. Can someone tell me what's wrong ? This is my firs BMW
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