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Everything posted by Langdonfairchild

  1. Not to mention the whiplash everyone claims on :( Pass plus you say.... Why dont they do a C.B.T. for first time car drivers like they do for bikes.Then when its rush hour we wont be traveling 10mph under the speed limit.:angry:
  2. More speed on trucks only means one thing .It will be added on to all your shopping bills.We will all pay, one way or another.:angry: And while the government collects more road revenue rubbing it's corrupt hands together to waste on pointless exercises,Instead of making are roads safer.
  3. Welcome to the club Steve.Everything happening on here mate.:)
  4. Love it to because i race motorcross.:) You think it looks good on the tv.Then go to the sheffield arean next time it there and you will be blown away even more :)
  5. Mine is the fastest 0 to 60 time and thats all its built for.:P Flys higher too lol :) .Yes that me in the green and still racing.:)
  6. Hi Michael.welcome to the bmw site mate.:)
  7. Welcome Edward.Car look great from the back with four cannons popping out.:)
  8. Bet the speed bumps give the car a kiss to everytime you ride over them.:rolleyes:
  9. Hi Jas.Nice deep rims.:) cool.
  10. Well Jonathan i see you have been one off the lucky ones to have the privilege in seeing the car for real.Been to the factory too but wasn't here.So i was unlucky :mellow: . wish i had the kidneys too.lol :) Any one else wants to see it ,Its on youtube.:) Any know the rarest bmw on the road.???
  11. Welcome Mark.Good luck getting you bmw.Best move you could make.:)
  12. Hi Sam and welcome to the club.:)
  13. :) There all quick and only weighing around the ton or just under has a lot to do with it.With engines producing 240 bhp to over 600 bhp with the typhon :)Mine was the 340bhp weighing less than a mini :) .The speed 12 the daddy.Only one in the world thats been made road legel last time i heard.....Do bmw make anything so light .I know they make searious fast quality cars and built to last.,but power to weight ratio is a big issue .:)
  14. Hi Matt .Joind the right club to get advice my friend and welcome.:)
  15. Hi Jonathan.Test drive a few of the modles befor buying,Have some free fun.The 5 series ive been told is more luxurious but im new to BMM and im well impressed and now hooked.You won't be disappointed and welcome to the club. :) :)
  16. Hi,ASJ.Nice big looking car mate. :)Not see many of thoses flying around.
  17. Hi Jonathan.LoL.know what you mean. :) How do you find the bmw now. :)
  18. Hi Andy.Can see some serious work gone in after saving it from the crushers.Nice work mate. :)
  19. Hi kevin.Welcome to the club. So i see you have it twice as good with two BMW's :) Nice one.
  20. Right there Caz :) .Not happy. Then try something else that suites and works for you.My first bmw didn;t work then would move on.Lucky for me it's FAB so keeping it. :) :) :)
  21. Well your right there turbo.If you don't want to slow down for them.Then 4x4 is the way to go. :)
  22. Sorry its aweful.Looks like someone carved a oblong chunk of metal out and fired on some after market parts on to beef it up.Not impressed.
  23. Plus point though.Tight parking. :) Bad point.Expensive garage roof extension, plus a bmw trying to look like a mercedes gulwing.Yak..leave well alone.A bit chavy now these day.Take a lookin in any max power or fast car magazines.You will want a baseball cap on the back shelf to match.lol
  24. Hi Steve and welcome.Plenty of friendly people to help you out on here. :)
  25. Hi Steve.I will try to explain... Superchargers pumps cold air for outside the vehicle and mixes with the fule before being forced into the cylinders.This way the colder the air the less the fule can expand, so more fule can be allowed in cylinders causing a bigger explosion and more bhp :)PLUS NO LAG....A turbo uses the hot exhaust gases and expands the fule before reaching the cylinders and keeps expanding in the cylinders.So you are limited to how much fule is aloud in the cylinders.So the colder the air the more fule can be forced in and more bhp :) .Thats why drag cars dont run turbos because of less bhp and that wounderful thing called turbo lag...Waiting for the turbo to spin up fast enough..And super charger costs around five thousand to be bolted on you engine and up which is the down side.So the colder the mixture the more fule can be forced in and more bhp.Now if you want serious power then nos is the way to go.But thats a different story all together and reliability is lost and big upgrades to the engine are need to be done. :mellow:.Well i've tryed my best to explain the best way i can and hope it helps.Im sure someone will come along and correct me somewhere.Cheers Symon.
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