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Everything posted by Langdonfairchild

  1. Hi Paul.Quick get you on my friends list just in case. :) You never know.
  2. Hi Graham.Can't blame you spoiling yourself.Make working for a living worth while. :) Welcome to the club.
  3. Hi Steve and wecome.Sound like you've done the family bit and starting to get your dreams back. :)Good luck with the search.
  4. Hi Adrian.Welcome and no turning back now. :) :)
  5. I got a serious problem with mine.Every weekend when i set off somewhere, this woman keeps sitting in the passanger side saying shes my wife,Thats the only fault with it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Most of the grub is....99.......ping......and plastic.......yak
  7. Hi Everyone.About speedbump's.I have to ride over about ten of the little sods every morning to work. :angry: The first two years on the trot.I had to have all the bushers replace or at least one ball joint or track rod end because i just drove over them like normal.Then when having to pay for a new set second time around i started to slow down.Arter five years now slowing down for them,ive not had any bushers fitted or ball joints. :D So just pay notice that there there to slow you down to make it safe for the surounding area.If not then you will be spending your hard earnings. :angry: At worse a new cat. :( Good luck and be careful :) :) :)
  8. Hi Martin. :) Do you mean the two air bags. :) LOL :)
  9. Okay confession to make after my earlier post... :mellow: Told the wife what car i was looking for and she wasn't that interested.Had been look afar for two weeks.Then she said why do you want to travel when theres one here six miles away she spotted.Did the typical man thing and took no notice shrugged my shoulders.Then she said no harm looking is there.So drag myself away from the laptop and of we went.BINGO.Only a beautie and all original paint work.Yes is all original.I should know being in charge of a body shop plus,classic restorations ive done and shows ive won. :)The car is one of those you all like to find in that year and condition.Full bmw sevice history and mint all around with no accident damage or paint work done,Apart from the odd wheel scuff.It's completely mint for the year :) .Was looking for a 03 to 05 but this one was not to be missed and saved a couple of grand too :) :) :) .So just like to tell you all.When it comes to cars they don't always get it right but in this case she did and a big thank you goes to Suzanna :D :D .So chaps always listen to what they say,it's not all rubbish.LOL. :D :D :D please no women give me a lynching party.Im standing up for you,plus S**t scared of you all too.lol.
  10. Hi Ken.Newbie too.Lots of stuff on here to go through that will help you out.
  11. I would let her pick the car if i could pick her going out dress....lol.It's never going to happen. :) :) :) :)
  12. Hi Dean and Sam,Lot's of new people joining,Wounder how much is through the new app release,That's how i became a new member. :)
  13. Hi Christain.Tell me about it.When off to the tvr meetings early sunday mornings.A few of the locals use to comment.lol.Use to try and sneek away without to much throttle,but never work.Alwas setting car alarms off.So apart from waking the dead and smelling like a canoe.Cheers for that one Daz.lol.They go like the clappers.Look awesome and make you smile with all there problems but not a everyday car.
  15. Hi Daz.So funny but so true.They do stink a bit and the only time you smell the leather is when it's cold.:) Not like the bmw.Smell leather all the time:)Sweet.Love the smell every morning.Why don't cows smell like that.:D
  16. Well hi to everyone and a warm welcome to a new club.: :D
  17. LOL There big Al.They can be a bit hit and miss.Lucky for me i owne my 5ltr chimaera for four years and had no trouble or problems at all.Not many tvr owners can lay claim to that.But are worth the hassel with the fun you get back in return with a noise that only a v8 can make.Tell you a big difference in the !Removed! pit area.Going to take a month to know what all the buttons are for.Just found a little compartment today down by the right hand side of the steering wheel.Perfect for phone.
  18. Just bought my first bmw last week.:-) Like wow.super cool and the drive is second to none.Oh its a M sport 330d.Must say the build quality is fantastic and the handling is just a dream.:-) fell in love with the car straight away.Now i know why all you bmw owners are always smiling.:-) just come apart of the clan.:-) The only two things i can pick fault with if im being picky is...After owning a Tvr i miss the noise and acceleration.But the rest the car out ways them two anyway and a small sacrifice to leave behind.So hellow to all you bmw owners.cheers symon.
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