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    530i XDrive
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  1. Hi Dave, I was able to get a blank male plug from BMW. It is part of a plug repair kit. I told the parts guy I didn't need the terminals, just the plug. He's ordered one - $5.00.
  2. Hi Dave, I haven't but will surely check it out. Thank you! Rick
  3. Does anyone know where I could pickup a used male plug (with or without any wires); the one that plugs into the exhaust actuator that controls the exhaust flap in the tailpipe? Thanks everyone!
  4. I thought I’d try Bimmerlink and downloaded the app from the Apple App Store. I want to use an ENET cable to connect to the OBD port. I have yet to see where to pay for the full program. When I open the app, there are no options for payment. Does it have to be connected to the car before it prompts payment? Bimmercode has the option to pay once the app is opened without being connected to the car. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Dave! Just listed a search!
  6. My wife has a 2018 530i xDrive. She would like a wheel rim like this one in black or silver. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Thaks, Dave. Nothing is simple these days.
  8. Hi Dave! Penzoil finally contacted me and said that their Pennzoil Euro (meets LL14FE+ specs I'm guessing) 5w-30 is what they specify for a BMW 530i with the B46 engine. I certainly will be changing the oil and filter every 5k. My Dodge requires every 5k or 6 months, whichever comes first.
  9. Hi Dave, Thank you for your reply. I checked the Pennzoil website but didn't see anything specific for BMW specs. I'm going to call them and see what they say. I'll probably use either BMW or Castrol 0w-20 L-17FE+. I found the Castrol at Walmart, but it seems that it has to be ordered. They do have inventory errors on some products, so it might also be on the shelf. I expect since Castrol signed a 5-year contract with BMW, this is probably the same oil that's labeled BMW.
  10. What brand of motor oil do you use in your G30? I have a 2018 530i xDrive. It seems that I can't find a US oil that supposedly meets the BMW specs. The dealership indicates I can use Castrol full synthetic. The weight is not the issue, but the other specs. I had thought to use Pennzoil 0w-20 Ultra Platinum. I use it in the other two cars and it performs well. Thanks!
  11. Has anyone tried the Sprint Booster on their BMW (or any other make of vehicle)? How does it perform? Is it worth the money? Thanks!
  12. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. I finally decided on the pads from Burger Motorsports. They lifted the car without any damage to those plastic jack points. They're made from aluminum, fit well, and worked perfectly with my floor jack. BTW TCon, I nearly purchased the ones you posted.
  13. Thanks, Dave. I'll check around and see what I can find.
  14. Hello All! My wife has decided she would like SiriusXM in her 530i. However, it needs to be programmed with the code to receive satellite radio. Of course, from BMW, it’s around $351.00. I’ve seen on some sites, it’s $69.00 - $100.00 to get the code on a USB drive where it will self-install. I’m not enthusiastic about the $351.00 and I’m uncertain of the USB drives although these sites guarantee it will be a successful install and code the radio correctly. We were given a free 1-year subscription of SiriusXM Platinum. What are your thoughts? Thanks!
  15. Thanks Dave! Good idea!
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