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Everything posted by MarkP

  1. Thanks Dave, I will take your advice thanks very much for your knowledge and experience..
  2. Hi all, first post by me and not a good one! I purchased the above car in July this year. from a garage. Car was in mint condition, full BMW service history and only covered 39,000 miles and drove beautifully, I purchased it for £16,500, with a 3 months Engine and Gearbox standard warranty. A few weeks ago I started to notice a vibration running through the car, a droaning noise over 55MPH, and with the window down a metallic clattering sound. I've had this invested by several local garages, brakes, steering, wheel bearing, balancing all checked, no faults found. It went up on the ramp in gear yesterday, they concluded the noise is coming from the differential. The warranty has expired, the garage are not interested, and it looks like I'm now going to face a hefty repair bill. I expected wear and tear issues further down the line, but not this on a car that's covered now 44,500 miles and is less than 6 years old? BMW wants £145 an hour to diagnose, so I am reluctant to pay this, when my local garages can diagnose it for free. I cannot risk using the car until it's been diagnosed by a local transmission specialist in a few weeks. Has anyone else had this issue if so how much did it cost to resolve, and was it the diff ? I'm going to write to BMW anyway, as I now have a 16K motor that I cannot use until fixed. Fuming!!
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