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Everything posted by stevieb73

  1. Buy her something from Ann Summers to keep her 'occupied' indoors ;)
  2. I know mate! lol my old one had I bought a brand new set of lovely 18's with the polished rim etc, but lost so much money on it, so it kind of puts me off, but I would like a set on there to finish her off.
  3. Had a bit of time to give the cabby a wipe over at the weekend, and I could have really done with taking her to a location to be in the light a bit more, but ran out of time so here's a few pics of her in the street. Unable to treat the tyres and black trim as ive ran out of product! lol Steve
  4. I have to say that I have used Meguiars Tech Wax Spray for years and I cant fault it at all! Ive used it on Black, Silver and Blue Cars and great results every time for little money. Ive heard of DODO stuff, but wasn't sure what it was like. May have to give it a go.
  5. ;) lol yes mate! I was in your town last week! My step daughters boyfriend had seen a Polo GTI he had seen in Luton, and wanted to go look at it. Thank god he didnt! mind u I feel sorry for the person who does. After 10 minutes of thinking this aint right I checked to see how much he had left on his pads and discs, and the first one i touched the pad was loose, and rattling. I swiftly got up and said it's time to leave mate! lol
  6. Got the ABS warning light on mine, but it's been on for ages, and my MOT is due before 31st March thank goodness. Gives me a 12 month extension! lol
  7. Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!
  8. Climate control unit! :angry: Need to send it off to have the capacitor replaced to stop it being a tit, and give me heat in the cold weather! lol
  9. Yes mate the blue wire, Wasnt sure if I was ok to cut before the iso block or after. but im sure it will be fine. Many Thanks! Best Regards Steve
  10. Hey guys. Decided to wire my sub and amp into the cabby and I have a memory block. The remote wire on the back of the head unit currently goes straight from the head to the iso block. Am I right in thinking I can just splice straight into that wire? Or do I need to cut it after the iso block? Cheers.
  11. is he still goin? lol
  12. my ol man used to be in a country and western band. Now he's just like the character from Creme Brulee on League of Gentlemen! lmao
  13. Anything by BCee or any liquid drum n bass or lovers reggae.
  14. Thanks Val! Much appreciated! :)
  15. yes mate! ;o) I feel too scared to drive it now after all that trouble though! lmao ordered a new gear knob from e-bay the other day and desperate to fit it, and start tidying up the little bits now.
  16. Cheers Daz! Just picked her up! Feels soooooo much smoother! Just needs a good ol spit and polish again now ;o)
  17. Hey guys, thanks for the comments, I think you may be right, I think it was the head that went, to be honest i cant ruddy remember lol It's very strange as it originally started that i was noticing a bit of smoke in the cold mornings for a couple of days but didnt think that much of it as you couldnt see a thing as the day got brighter and warmer, then i took it to the garage asnd the oil was slightly milky which started our concern, the garage I took it to specialize in automatic gearboxes, and they are close friends of the family. However they use another garage behind them for normal day to day servicing mots etc. They had a look, and sent the head off to be x-rayed, and at that point it was diagnosed that the head had a crack in it. A new one was ordered and a few days later when i called to see if it was ready i was then told that there was still something not right and they were waiting for a specialist to come and look at the engine. They then called to say there was a crack (however there have been no leaks or anything in the couple of weeks that ive owned it) Long story short is that they then found a replacement 1.8 engine with only 40k on it. They returned the block and paid for the engine with the same money, so the only good thing is that ive got a lovely new youthful engine in her lmao. Everything else has been a disaster as my lovely mum and dad have helped me out with the cash, and my lovely wife is !Removed! as i bent her ear back to get this, and got rid of a decent Mondeo that was faultless lol I called the garage earlier today and they said she should be ready to collect lunch time tomorrow! yaaaay! Pics will follow ;o)
  18. Hi all, Many thanks for the kind comments. @Snypa...yes mate! i know! kickin myself for not taking a mate! I really am. @ Dabsy.... The garage who's doing the work sent the block off to be skimmed and checked, and they x-rayed it first and it showed up at that point. The garage ordered a new block and said it would be ready today, then when i called the owner of the garage said to me that he had founda crack somewhere else and was getting it checked out. At that point he also mentioned that he had found a replacement engine with 40k that he could fit in for me instead. Luckily as he knows my ol man he's sending back the block to get the money for the replacement engine. Mrs is going ape cos I sold a decent '01 plate ford mundano for this and now she's makin me feel the heat! :(
  19. Having recently bought what i thought to be a lovely E36 'R' plate convertable has turned out to be an absolute money pit! The bloke i bought it from said he was a trained mechanic etc and fooled me into believeing everything he said. Sadly a couple of days after having the car the battery went dead (which I knew was on it's last legs) so not a problem, got a new one, and while i was there popped it round to a couple of mates i nknow at a local garage to show them. While I was there I mentioned to them that I had noticed the exhaust to be a little smokey in the mornings, but it had been very cold that week, and only noticed it in the cold, and not the general daylight. At that point we re-checked the oil, and it was slightly milky! I couldnt believe it! I called the bloke i bought it from and he didnt want anything to do with it, and said it was sold as seen! Last week the head went away to be tested and they found a crack, so a new head was ordered. Called the garage today and they have now found a slight crack in the engine! Luckily they have found a replacement engine with 40k on the closk and they are gonna send the head back which will cover the cost of the engine! So now im completely pennyless! no car! replacement engine! and I feel like ive been kicked in the mouth! ;o(
  20. You can get cleaning kits mate. Autoglym used to do a pack. 1 cleaner and 1 protector. I Always used to keep it topped up with protector when I would wash her.
  21. tell me about it mate! cant wait to get some decent daylight pics!
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