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  • BMW Model
    420i M Sport Gran Coupe
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  1. Hi Ahmed, can't help with expected values but my dec 71 plate G26 420i Grand coupe has done 29,732 miles and not had to do the rear pads or a message, it's service due in sept. it had a service nov 22 with 17k miles and nothing for the pads needed doing then. it does sound dodgy that those would need replacement before the front. matt
  2. have used the app to lock and unlock the car, locate the car when the wife has nicked it, send "destinations" to the car before a drive but never tried to drive it without the key, not sure it would start from the app without the key present.
  3. that's it! awesome cheers mate! when i say "matte finish" i'm going by idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about (me). giving the local body work shop a bell, he's said he can smooth things out.....will have a quick google to see if they come in gloss black or if there's a reason they don't (chips/dings/scratches that low down i'm guessing)
  4. Hi, have a 420i 71 plate and loving it, one bug bear I have is a piece of trim that is matte black where the rest is gloss black trying to find the part name or number to look for but the only reference i can see to it on the BMW parts list is the shape listed part number 8 in the picture below but it's not named. Anyone know the proper reference? waiting for a call back from my local dealer but not sure how long i'll be waiting. Thanks in advance!
  5. hi Shaun, did you sort this in the end? Have just ordered a nextbase camera and install from halfords on Thursday as there was a good deal on. I just don't trust myself hardwiring this one like i've done in the past. I could ask which fuse they go for? looked at the bmw active eye 3.0 but at £450 for supply and fit it was a bit too much compared to 269 by halfords.
  6. Hi, just joined and found through googling "BMW Owners Group"
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