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Everything posted by kendoit2

  1. Hi Folks, I'm hoping someone can help me with a few little problems. I have a little 2005 Cooper Convertible with 58k on the clock. I only bought it recently and have noticed that the coolant resevior is emtying over the period of about a day. The car has never overheated and the temp needle always stay's around the mid mark. I can@t see any water marks around the engine and theres no droplets in the oil. The radiator fan goes off at the time the engine is switched off which makes me think that there is no overheating. I also have a an ABS and Tyre indicator light coming on. The tyres are all brand new and without punture. The lights are yellow. Anyone any ideas ??? Help would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi All, I'm Kendoit2 and a new member of the forum. Looking forward to chatting with you guys in the future.
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