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  1. Waiting for you instructions :-)
  2. In seattle :-)
  3. Machine cut with 3M compound? can you tell me the product name so i can look for it please..i am new to this.
  4. no i cant feel them with my nail, but i can see them very well in light. The worst part is that they are lik scribbles on the board...or else they might have mended with the circles from car washes
  5. My 3 year old decide to help me wash my scratch less deep blue color. She picked my a wash color which is on the ground and decide to wipe the car, which scratched my clear coat paint at several area's :-(, Is there anything i can do to patch it up, so it doesnt look that pad? is it possible to get a clear coat paint applied at a body shop?
  6. good to know,the stuff is greesy and sticky, its very clear. So wasn't sure brake fluid is clear color. I might have to take it back to the dealer.
  7. I always wondered why beemer wheels get so filthy. I finally got my own now, a 535I, 2010 model. I am observing a transparent fluid on the rims, is this common? anything i can do to avoid it so i can keep my wheels clean?
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