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    C White
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  1. Hi Dave, The garage, not a job I could have done, have now taken out the centre consol, removed the propshaft and exhaust and completed the repair. As you said, a file was needed. The only problem that occurred was that the exhaust bolts sheared off when removing. Not looking forward to bill when I get the car back tomorrow. Mind it had to be done. Many thanks all.
  2. Failing, I am afraid. Contact several breakers, including Quarry, searched ebay shops as well as parts Gateway, not available anywhere. Looks like a need a welder with a file🙂
  3. Many thanks Dave, I am on the case.
  4. Tried main dealerships no luck I am afraid not available any more. Sent Quarry a message, hers hoping. Thanks for the tip.
  5. Handbrake holds most of the time, but not always. Any suggestions as to where I might find part number 344 067747 98? Tried the ebay shop and [email protected] without success, part is no longer available. Ideas greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi all, Yep, been driving my Z4 since 2005 currently on 110,000 and going relatively strong, the car and me.
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