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Everything posted by grand_national

  1. Thank you, Dave. Since we are new to BMW, we don't have knowledge of such groups.
  2. Have you tried resetting your comfort access through the Idrive system ? That's exactly what I'm trying to do, but I can't figure out how to do it on the X3. Comfort access door handles are I believe reset by having the key fob in your hand and touching the 3 little grooves on the drivers door handle to lock then touch the handle to unlock. The locks are completely unresponsive when I do this procedure. They won't lock nor unlock. In the Idrive settings make sure the CA check box has a tick in it I've gone though the iDrive menu system several times. I cannot find an overall "turn on" or "turn off" checkbox in the menus for CA anywhere. I've found how to customize the CA system to each driver's profile preferences. I've even deleted my profile and recreated it. I've also reset the fobs by holding them (I tried each one at a time, several times) to the steering column and starting and stopping the engine via the button. After stopping the engine, I get a message on the instrument cluster right above the steering column stating "i" (for "informational" I believe) " i Comfort Access Reduced " There are no error messages in the menu system that I can find. I also hooked up an OBDII scanner, and while an old model, it did not report any error codes. I can't find reference to this "CA Reduced" message anywhere except on 1 post where the person ultimately needed to replace the door handle. All door handles open/close, foot activated liftgate open feature, and the liftgate "close and lock" button all stopped working at once, so I have a hard time believing all of the individual components all went bad at once and I'd think if the entire system failed, I'd get a message to that effect somewhere. Thanks in advance for any additional responses.
  3. Thanks, but I've gone through this process a dozen times and the fob works fine to open/close the doors and liftgate. Its the Comfort Access system which is not working which I understand is completely separate from the main open/close fob functions. After opening the door and starting the car using the fob, once I stop the car, I get an informational message at the bottom of my center gauge "Comfort Access Reduced". I can't find this message anywhere on the web except one post which really doesn't confirm how/if it was fixed. Keep in mind, NONE of the CA door handles or the tailgate lift work but all of the normal fob buttons do. Right now this issue is resulting in (Un)Comfort(able) (In)Access.
  4. Hi. I'm new to BMWs and the forum. I have a 2019 X3. -- I've searched the forum, but can't seem to find an applicable thread for my issue. -- I needed to replace the batteries in both our fobs. Ever since then, the fob buttons work and the car starts, but all of my Comfort Access features do not with either fob. -- I've been looking for a reset or resync procedure applicable to my year and model without success. -- I find reference to instructions for "plug the key into the dash, etc., etc.", but I don't seem to have a slot on my dash for that. -- The dealer wants $400 to "diagnose this issue".....so that's a last resort. -- Could someone please point me to a procedure which is correct for my year/model to resync my fobs for CA? Thanks so much in advance.
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