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    E87 2007 2.0D 143 KM
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  1. Ok, I check it. Thank you
  2. I checked the PWM signal that is fed to the fan. The compressor clutch always works when I press the AC button. The fan runs when the PWM signal changes. But not always the PWM signal changes when the air conditioning is turned on. It also does not always change when I raise the temperature, for example, to 28 degrees and reduce it to 17 degrees. Then the fan won't work. Przemyslaw
  3. Ok. Thank you for the information. The air conditioning was refilled and checked for leaks a few days ago. it's ok. there was a problem during high heat, because then there was no cooling. Przemyslaw
  4. Hi, BMW E87 2.0D 143 HP. I have a problem with the air conditioning. Coolant is. Tight air conditioning. When the air conditioning is turned on, the compressor always turns on (the clutch is engaged), but the radiator fan does not always turn on. When the fan is off, the air conditioning does not cool. I've noticed that this problem occurs mostly when it's sunny and hot. When there is no sun, the air conditioning cools. What could be the reason?
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