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    X5 40d
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  1. Update on the vibration … I’ve removed the front propshaft that goes to the front differential and vibration has gone.. does this mean it was the front propshaft that is faulty? Did this get bent when it come loose and went through my oil sump? There is loads of play on the joint on the spline end of the propshaft
  2. The vibration goes when fuse is removed for the transfer case and when reversing with steering locked left/right there isn’t any vibration, also it has only rear drive when fuse removed from transfer case, this must point something from the front of the transfer box onwards or front of engine thanks
  3. Big vibration through the front of car and steering wheel,I changed the transfer case mount and fluid and still got the vibration , I’ve removed the transfer box fuse and the vibration goes , does this point to the transfer box ?also I’ve noticed a front drivers side engine mount looks worn, any ideas….https://youtube.com/shorts/pIQwXqB9EqY?si=gKqU2SO1lr5LeVU5
  4. Hi Dave apparently it isn’t on my car it’s just start and stop on the button thanks Aaron
  5. Hi Dave , looked in the idrive settings and couldn’t find anything to do with the start / stop ?
  6. Happy Xmas Dave will do mate
  7. Hi, does my bmw x5 e70 2011 40d have start/ stop function , like engine switches off when at traffic lights, i didn’t think it did but someone said it should have, if it does it’s not working ???
  8. Hi , I’m getting high - readings when reving, do I need to Change injectors on cylinder 1 & 6? N57 e70
  9. Hi and yes it is , Yeah that’s a good idea with the flap , will sort something once I’ve sorted the injectors …..
  10. hi all,i fitted the 3 piece cowling today, it was straight forward to do,i dont think they will last because quality is bad, plastic is very hard like it will go brittle and snap again. holes were slightly off too, where they fit the middle section there is a gap in them were water will drip under on to engine, i was going to put some rubber sealant to stop the water, but i might need to remove soon to replace no.6 injector, looks better tho! found out under the cowling on drivers side is were the brake fluid tank was and passenger r side was the pollen filters!
  11. Yeah good idea , if plug and play then it’s good
  12. Hi, anyone know if it’s worth updating the cic in my x5? It’s a x5 2011 40d also updating maps takes over a hour I’ve read? Should I stick to google maps on my iPhone ?? cheers
  13. Cheers Dave , mine are on the way- will update after fitting !
  14. Ok cheers will check that out , !Removed! freezing lol
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