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  1. I was lucky enough to be visiting the factory when the speed 12 Gt cars were returning from a race..they fired them up briefly to get them off the wagon and the earth literally shook.. Interesting story about Peter Wheeler.. Word has it he use to test a new car personally before it was released to the public when it was in it's final stages of development.. He tested the speed 12 and decided that it was that ludicrously fast for the road that if he sold it to anyone if would wipe out half his customer base with people killing theirselves! Hence only one was sold.. I believe Keith Flint (of the band Prodigy) owned it once.. I know it came up for auction about a year ago.. Would have loved put have a put a bid in.. Sadly I didn't have enough kidneys to sell!
  2. Nice looking Bike Caz
  3. sorry posted twice - not sure how to delete it!
  4. Im actually cheating a little - im not yet an owner - were looking for a bigger car than our current one and a 5 series is on the list so though I would sign up on here to see if you guys had any tips on what to go for. Ideally we'll be going for around 3 years old ish - heart says get an older M5 (one of the first Chris Bangle ones) head says go for a 520d! It will be my wifes car (with me getting a look in at weekends) we're upgrading from an Astra (so pretty much anything will be an improvement!
  5. I miss my chim loads even with all its faults (which fortunately in my case were fairly minimal). I spent the best £1 i ever spent...took the roof down...drove through the saltash tunnel between devon and cornwall...paying my £1 at the toll booth...turning straight back round and driving back through!
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