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Everything posted by Nev

  1. Warranty garage having great difficulty finding any 'damaged' part or air leak so therefore I may have a fight on my hands to get anything replaced under warranty.
  2. Booked in early Jan under warranty so fingers crossed, compressor and two bags required apparently.
  3. Folks, this turned out to be the compressor starting up as there is an issue with the air suspension.
  4. Thanks again
  5. Thanks, just thought it odd that it only lasts for a a few seconds at a time, hopefully the garage can resolve and nothing too serious. I did see a topic from a few years ago pointing towards DPF regens but no-one seemed to find a solution to those noise issues.
  6. Hi folks, Hoping for a friendly steer on this one. Just purchased a 2017 520d M-Sport touring. Almost every time I start it, after a few seconds there is a louder high pitched rumbling noise coming from the exhaust. It lasts for about 5 - 10 seconds and the stops and it does happen occasionally after that but never when driving on a long run. This is happening daily. I have attached a video which I took a few seconds after I pushed ignition from cold one morning. The car drives great but this is annoying and not something I ever experienced with a 2015 520d I owned up to a few years ago. I have it booked into a local garage next week. IMG_9794.MOV
  7. Thanks Dave, sent an enquiry off to Quarry Motors. Any idea where I’d find the part number?
  8. Hi folks, just wondering if anyone could help me find a good condition center console trim for a Feb 2017 5 series? I've highlighted below where it's pretty badly scratched and it catches your eye, especially from the passengers side. It's an M-sport so the trim is the hexagonal silver type (Aluminum Rhombicle). Any help appreciated.
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