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Everything posted by ollieplimsoles

  1. Hello everyone. My name is Mark and I have a problem that I believe you can help with. I currently own 2 Mercedes Benz ( sorry please don't flame! :D ), a 1984 500sec MoT'd to May 2012 and a 190e MoT'd to September 2012. I need to swap or sell these as I am moving to a new home without the space. Anyway, the BMW bit. A chap has offered me a 1988 E30 Baur Convertible in exchange. I know very little about these other than they were a stop gap until the factory convertible appeared? I also have read that the smaller engined variants i.e. 316i, 318i are best avoided and that the 320i, 325i and the 318iS are the best bets. They didn't make a diesel I think? Any advice graetly appreciated... oh any anybody with a nice BMW for swap in NI just drop me a line. :) Regards, Mark S.
  2. Hello everyone. My name is Mark and I have a problem that I believe you can help with. I currently own 2 Mercedes Benz ( sorry please don't flame! :D ), a 1984 500sec MoT'd to May 2012 and a 190e MoT'd to September 2012. I need to swap or sell these as I am moving to a new home without the space. Anyway, the BMW bit. A chap has offered me a 1988 E30 Baur Convertible in exchange. I know very little about these other than they were a stop gap until the factory convertible appeared? I also have read that the smaller engined variants i.e. 316i, 318i are best avoided and that the 320i, 325i and the 318iS are the best bets. They didn't make a diesel I think? Any advice graetly appreciated... oh any anybody with a nice BMW for swap in NI just drop me a line. :) SORRY I DID'NT READ THE INTRO - TOPIC MOVED TO 3 SERIES FORUM Apologies, Mark S.
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