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jon green

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jon green last won the day on April 30 2024

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    X3 M40d
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  1. Thanks for the feedback Dave, really helpful stuff. I bet your friends and family are pleased you are sorted when it comes to puncture repair kits to keep them on the road. I like the sound of a puncture plug kit & tyre weld for screws and suchlike issues to help stay moving. Sidewall rupture is a flatbed for now, but I'm definitely going with non RFT in 17 months for the next M40d which I really enjoy driving. Ironically, we were in Arundel, W.Sussex when I got the recent pot hole blow out, so know exactly what you mean, I could not believe the state of the roads in the south of England to be honest, it was like wacky races avoiding pot holes on any main roads. We live in sunny N. Yorkshire and don't suffer from quite so many holes in the roads. Thank you for the information, but interestingly, I have already logged a claim for vehicle damage (tyre) with W. Sussex CC when I got home, their website says it can take 24 weeks before they even look at it... I'll wait and plan for the fight. Cheers Jon
  2. Hi Dave, thanks for your fantastic reply. I'm on a staggered set and I recall the wheel shop retailer was concerned about the M40d brake calipers and the 19" space saver not fitting 21" wheel. Hmmm, been researching more, and people either love or hate RFTs, think I'm stuck with them until pcp runs out in Dec 2025, but I'm now nervous about long journeys abroad cos each time I have a sidewall blow out, there's no way to run the car for any distance without wrecking the rims...
  3. Hi guys, appreciate this topic is a bit dated, but within 6 months of owning my X3 M40d on 21" factory fitted run flats, and the state of our A & B roads, I've shelled out £700 on TWO tyres, due to the sidewall rupturing, leaving me stranded roadside and in need of a flatbed...not good. I'm looking for a back-up plan as we tour long distances on holiday and found an X3 space saver, claiming it fits all size wheels. BMW dealer was vague when I asked if it would fit....no surprise. The Wheel Shop said...check with the dealer. Wondering if anyone out there has more experience. Thanks all 19" BMW X3 G01 | Space Saver Wheel | The Wheel Shop
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