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  1. cheers geoff, im starting to look into a new motor tonight to be honest, wont be for a week or two till i can get things together but just looking. i would like another one, dont have to be a compact but just love the beemers. yes i know what u mean about the kitchen, i left her to it while the workmen were channeling out ect, couldnt stick the noise, so had to go and sort the car out then ;-) lol
  2. well the verdicts in and it dont look to good. the head gasket is a gonner. the thermostat had been taken out, there was some contaminants in the water but it wasnt oil. have been told it was a bodge up just to keep it running. strange thing is i went to it today and started her up and the knocking tapping noise went and i drove her home, she was first off going on 3 but she seemed to clear her self and she drove okish. a bit of smoke out the pipe but it suprised me for it to sort of clear itself. i aint got any confindance in the car so im going to break and scrap it im afraid and look for another one, hopefully i can pick one up somewhere. oh well heres hoping. been a stressful day what with cars here there and everywhere and what with having a new kitchen in with the workmen making such a racket my head is fried lol.
  3. thanks jim, yeh i will be getting home one day this week and then hopfully have a look at her, so hopefully it might not be as bad as fisrt thought, fingers crossed.
  4. cheers geoff
  5. no not yet geoff, shes a lovely car for the age but will have to see if its repairable fisrt which is unlikely. should know within a few days though.
  6. cheers jeffthro. think im gonna have to break her to be honest, sounds a bit like me lol.
  7. well thats how long ive got back into the fold before the engine went. so to say im peed off is a understatment, she was a nice motor too. went up the road and it was like she started to miss and then cut out on me. she started and a puff of smoke came out the back like she cleared herself but a loud ticking, tapping, metalic sort of noise is coming from her. so im not sure but it might look like shes dropped a valve or something simular. dont know for sure if it is that but it sounds a little like it to me. the sound goes faster if you rev it a bit but turned her off and left her after i had to drive it 1/2 a mile to saftey. if anyone could give me some good news then i would appreciate it as ive been trying to presuade myself it was a sticking lifter or somthing like that but deep down i think shes blown. depressed or what, best thing is i got things coming through the post that i ordered for her to put her nice and tidy, eg: door mirror,rear wiper motor. talking about rubbing salt in the wounds or what
  8. oops
  9. welcome to the forum justion. lovely motor ;)
  10. hi amy, welcome to the forum. :D
  11. welcome to the forum marc. a beauty of a motor. sorry to hear what happened and hope all gets srted for you.
  12. cheers jim :D
  13. hope this worked this time. same colour as me old girl. she needs a good polish up to get her shining nice.
  14. oops, tryin to remember how to post a pic off memory. should remember not to forget lol.
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