Hi Dave thanks for the reply,
it’s dawned on me the dash temp gauge is oil temp so I need to locate that sensor!
the fan visible behind the rad does turn,I saw it working after I warmed it up but I haven’t heard the electric fan cut in.
I have bought a replacement thermostat to fit but haven’t as yet i also found a video showing how to test the auxiliary electric water pump by holding the throttle down … mine appears to make noise but nothing come back into the header ….
also I can’t seem to get the water temp displayed on the dash using the secret menu hack it’s like the unlock code isnt accepted when I select option 7 it just goes back to displaying outside temp.
my vacuum pump is also a bit noisy ( sounds a bit like a wheel from a children’s bike stabiliser) other than that noise the engine sounds perfect and the oil is clear of any sludge..