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Clunk 84

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Everything posted by Clunk 84

  1. Hi Dave thanks for the reply, it’s dawned on me the dash temp gauge is oil temp so I need to locate that sensor! the fan visible behind the rad does turn,I saw it working after I warmed it up but I haven’t heard the electric fan cut in. I have bought a replacement thermostat to fit but haven’t as yet i also found a video showing how to test the auxiliary electric water pump by holding the throttle down … mine appears to make noise but nothing come back into the header …. also I can’t seem to get the water temp displayed on the dash using the secret menu hack it’s like the unlock code isnt accepted when I select option 7 it just goes back to displaying outside temp. my vacuum pump is also a bit noisy ( sounds a bit like a wheel from a children’s bike stabiliser) other than that noise the engine sounds perfect and the oil is clear of any sludge.. IMG_2807.MOV
  2. Hi guys I’ve just recently purchased a 2004 645ci from a friend but it’s been sitting for nearly a year… when he purchased the car 2 yrs ago he was told the temp gauge didn’t work and he never experienced any issues with the heating not working or over temp. He dropped it off to me and gave it one last blast as you would and then the first drive I had of it the I noticed the Guage wasn’t working and it was obviously hot. input the cabin heating on full and it was Luke warm for a start but then went cool, I thought the engine bay smelled a bit hot and the pipes at the top of the engine were hot however at no point did I hear the engine fan cut in …. I understand these engines run hot but I would have thought it would have kicked in.I haven’t driven it since as I’ve been working but I am hoping to have a look at it today … I have a couple of questions I hope you can help me with .. 1. What thermocouple/sensor controls the guage in the cluster and does this sensor also control the fan. 2. Is the thermostat a common failure? I think it’s relatively easy to change but how do I prevent any air lock issues when replacing? new to the 6 series but also have an e53 X5 which I’ve done a fair bit of work on. thanks in advance for any answers and thanks for letting me join. regards rob
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