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  1. Hi all. Recently purchased a 1 series which I didn’t notice on test drive but the drivers door speaker doesn’t work. It’s completely dead. I spent a bit of time stripping stuff down this evening and found the wires still work with the speaker from the other door and when swapped the dead one still doesn’t work. anyway, time for an upgrade, I have a couple of spare hertz 4” mids from a previous install, so my question is; is a straight swap ok? They were originally part of a 3 way kit but were too big for the install so I had to get different 3” mids. Would a straight swap be an improvement or would it sound worse as it’s such a higher rated speaker? I don’t really know a lot about audio tbh so don’t know if it’s a plug and play thing or should you use amps and start re-wiring everything. cheers Stu
  2. Thanks for the welcomes. have to say I’m super impressed with the little Bimmer, my routes are from vw but man, these drive well!. had a little go at clearing the head lights the other evening, they came up very well. I forgot to take a before on the drivers side but it was the worse one. alas all that effort for naught as they’ve fogged up again, so I’m guessing there must be a puddle in there somewhere, so will probably have to take the headlights out, hopefully not that hard a job??
  3. Hi everyone. new member here and first time owning a bmw. Just picked myself up a 120d m-sport in estoril blue. its 11 years old and pretty tidy, but it does have a few issues I’m looking forward to getting stuck into sorting (Been years since I’ve had a car to work on) namely condensation on the headlights, drivers door speaker doesn’t work and the left bolster of the drivers seat makes quite a bad clicking sound with me in it while driving and moving around. So if you’ve any tips or tricks or can point me in the right direction that’d be great. cheers Stuart
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