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Everything posted by dave79

  1. Thanks for the reply Dave. I will be doing that, just wondered if members had any "favourite" brands/types
  2. I'm a new BMW owner and am looking to replace the runflat tyres with non-runflat so I'm looking for suggestions. Tyre size is 205/50/17 89 W Thanks
  3. Google search
  4. Sad to say I could not re-programme the fob
  5. Thanks for the clarification Dave. The fob, c/w blank key, was purchased from eBay and seller stated it had been de-programmed ready for re-programming. I was willing to take a gamble considering the price I paid and the price a dealer would charge, plus if it won't re-programme I will ask the seller for a refund
  6. Thanks for your help and patience Greydog, but I am confused with talk of turning the key to position 1. I just put the fob into the slot in the dash, push a second time to activate ignition and then press the start/stop button. There is no turning a key like in a conventional car. Sorry if I'm being thick
  7. The new key is blank so I assume it needs cutting first
  8. That sounds like a witch's chant Dave . I assume we are talking about the new key ,yes?
  9. I'm sure this quetion has been asked before so a link will suffice I'm a new BMW owner and I need a spare key fob. Looking online it appears you can program a new key fob by holding it against a marking on the steering column but I don't see this mark on my 2011 118i sport. Is the mark only on certain models, if so is there a way to program a key fob without paying a dealer silly money for a new one?
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