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Everything posted by kyzote

  1. I used a camera on a scan tool. Door not open yet and door panel loose but not off. I will update you soon. We are going to junk yard to take apart a door there so we can see what's in there.
  2. I think I found the problem but I don't know what that part is called and how to get to it with my door stuck shut
  3. 20241005_184255.heic
  4. Thank you. I'm not sure what lever your talking about could you send a pic or diagram as to exactly where it is.
  5. Let me start by saying "all of the fuses are good and key fob is not dead". Problem with my 07 335i driver door it will not unlock with key fob or manually with key. It won't open from inside using the door handle or the unlock button. All 3 other doors work fine, they lock and unlock with key fob. So now my real problem is how to remove door panel with the door shut.
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