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Everything posted by Kevmond

  1. So, Chris kindly did CarPlay activation for me late on Friday evening (19:00!) while I waited. Didn’t work initially, he said it can sometimes need to be turned off and locked for a while. Next time I drive reboots it pulls in coding. Got home, had a beer and then returned outside after another beer or two & retried. CarPlay working as expected. Only thing that doesn’t work is screen mirroring. According to many online, IPhone doesn’t support this feature sadly, only android. Must say, although BMW maps are upto date, the nav is a bit woeful (took me down a dead end) it’s nice to have Google maps and/or waze.
  2. Hi all, I hope you are all well! I thought I’d let others know about my positive experience I had with Precision drive near Southend airport. I was recommended by a friend, who had his E90 updated a while ago. I had messaged Chris at precision drive about getting my F36 updated & addition of CarPlay. He replied with the cost & answered any queries I had. Dropped off car & left it with him. I got a call after 1.5hrs to say the whole car had been updated but there was an issue whilst installing CarPlay (he doesn’t yet have dedicated broadband at his workshop, phone tethering wasn’t sufficient) He has kindly offered to come to my house & apply the CarPlay at a later date. It turns out that my cars never had any software updates applied since new! Instantly I noticed the shifts were smoother & engine was quieter. Should anyone else require their cars updating give Chris a message/call (search Precision Drive) I paid £120 for whole vehicle update, £60 to be paid at a later date for CarPlay activation.
  3. Sounds like you've not had much luck! When you say the crank has been replaced, I assume you mean crank pulley?? They're a vibration damper and not unknown to fail. Why the garage didn't listen to you when you said the clutch felt odd I do not know! Perhaps the EML is on due to Pre/Post cat sensors not tying up due to exhaust leak?
  4. Solar charger should certainly help! Not sure if 12V cigar light is direct or switched feed from battery. If switched, it may pay to connect solar charger direct to batery.
  5. Dennis, I echo Greydogs post. It'll certainly pay to have a good battery charger that conditions the battery (Such as a CTEK conditioner) Dont just put a cheap trickle charger on as these are known to end up frying the battery.
  6. Mornin' Greydog, Thanks for the Info. Bit of a first world problem really, perhaps I'll convince the financial controller one day... Perhaps I'll try to prise the lens out and check that the mirror can receive the lens (Maybe thats been changed at some point) I discovered the interior ambient lighing on that door wasn't plugged in, so someones definately been there before me. For now I need to convince her that "I need" to spend money on 4 wheel alignment, a Service and a gearbox service early next year on a car that I've only just bought!
  7. Good afternoon all, I noticed after a few days that my Nearside door mirror doesn't have the same dimming glass that the Offside mirror has. Perhaps previous owner was given option of Non dimming lens to save a few quid? Reading Online (Mainly otherside of the pond) people have said theirs only has one dimmming glass. Does anyone on here have 2X Dimming door mirrors?
  8. I'm only playing and reading up on stuffs myself, hardly a reputable source to offer advice! So, mine has lighting package(?) so had white downlights in the outer door handles. Allegedly, you can code them to come on when in reverse. Currently only on when unlocking the car, or opening door and getting out. Daughters 2015 Mini also has lighting package(?) & is coded, helpful when pitch dark so you can see along the sides when reversing.
  9. So, Does anyone use Bimmercode, if so, what have you coded? So far I've done: Video in motion, Cornering lights, adjusted NS Mirror tilt value, added Speedo in cluster, added Turn off Angel eyes in centre stack & others which I've forgotten. Outer door handle lights in reverse has been coded but unfortunately doesnt work.
  10. Also, Mudflaps. Obviously it'll help keep it clean, but would they detract from the cars lines?
  11. Thanks all, Gave it a quick wash yesterday after 26Hrs in my possession. Paint's not too contaminated & I thought it needed some protection before winter. Gave it a pre wash, a wash in Bilt Hamber shampoo & then coating of Bilt Hamber Touch on as there was little to no beading when wet. A lazy protection, but better than nothing. Front has clearly been blown over. I knew the bonnet had but also the wings. Still, saves me a job later! Dash cam's hardwired in this morning & a small German emblem on order for the lower grille (To annoy a Ford fanboy at work) Can I ask peoples thoughts on gloss black kidney grilles? I'm in two minds...
  12. Thanks for the message Dave. I used to be a Technician at a Ford Stealership before managing to bluff my way into Ford Motor Co some 22Yrs ago. I'm well aware of a Diesel needing a bit of a kicking frequently. Always had Ford cars (Exception of a 1.8VTI Civic) 1st Day of not having a heated front screen in 14Yrs & there was a frost on the windscreen this morning! I think SWMBO's Fiesta will be relegated to the road so I can have the driveway. So far I'm smitten with the car. Drives absolutely spot on. Will be getting a 4 wheel alignment next month to preserve tyre wear.
  13. Hi all, Found this site & hoping to find advice, tips & general lighthearted banter. Picked up an F36 today, 3.0 Diesel, Black. First BM I've owned, so far so good! Picked it up from Oxford & drove like Miss daisy back home (60/70Mph) astounded that it shows avg MPG of 60! Soon diminished after taking a few colleagues up the road. Hoping to mess about on Bimmercode tomorrow to code a few bits (Folding mirrors, tilt NS mirror less & door handles on in reverse) for starters.... Poor Pic taken as soon as I got to work.
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