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    116i 320i
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  1. Oh ok so it might be a easy ISH conversion then as they do the 2ltr turbo anyway cheers for info again @Greydog👍 Yes very very true that power equals money money equals power, il keep the old 1.6 going for a wee bit longer and dive into pricing a 2ltr turbo conversion as i really am falling in love with this 1 series it's basic but alot of fun its just missing the exra umph as they say but I know what people will say "why buy a 1.6 in the first place" it was cheap and I need a car now so it ticked all the boxes for what I need now play time will come 😁 even thinking of selling up me 2 bikes and all the spares I've collected over 20 plus years and pour it into this and make it what I want as can't take the whole family out on a bike
  2. Morning Dave and X5smw I think i have came out ok on this oil leak done a service on it and seen its leaking from the valve cover gasket into Number 3 sparkplug hole, I'm wondering @X5smwwould you know what would fit as i am thinking 2L turbo or somthing very similar how much of a ball ache would it be to fit a bigger lump? Engine mounts, ECU, cooling system, exhaust? Oh and engine haha would i need anything els or pretty much that's it for a bigger cc conversion as I have fell in love with this £850 bargain haha
  3. Hi Dave, Ok that's great il have a dig about thank you 👍 Ahhh man that is what I would LOVE todo to mine i bet that is a rite animal!!!!! Got home from santa pod yesturday and found my £850 bargain might be abit more poorly than first thought she's buring oil 😬 would it be more on side of stem seals or more piston rings
  4. Hi Dave that is sone great information thank you ultimate definitely look into doing that over weekend as looking next weekend paperweight and the 1 series share parts Oh ok would you recommend a good diagnostic programme? I'm a motorcycle man building streetfighters and I'm bored of it wanted a car to play with as my 3 series was supposed to be my Number 1 car but sadly hasn't gone that way so instead of getting stressed with court and dealers I'm having my fun with a 1 series 😁 Cheers kris
  5. Gotta have pictures Black 3 series is the paperweight pile of junk 1 series is the new toy to be once I get my vauxhall back and will have all of what I can make work put on it from the 3 series m sport
  6. Hi all Thanks for letting me setup a profile, Quick introduction i am a owner of a paperweight 2011 320i Msport (waiting courts blablabla boring looks like il walk out of court with a car bent as a banana and a blow big end bearings, I've just picked up a 116i as my other car starting with a V has broken down and saw this 116i 2005 plate on the old marketplace for £1100 diff is noisy a few other jobs needed on it but has 98k on and got it for £850 drives fine apart from diff and typical rotton subframe and a cat (that I need to buy both knackered) but have a donor car to use for parts, I've been looking about and seen there is a 116 trophy series started and it's got me thinking haha BUT for now just want to use this 116i to get about then when my other car V comes back play time, As I'm typing may I ask where is the best place to get bits apart from Ebay stuff like exhaust bucket seats and/or anything els to get me ready for track at a later date? Also is it best as the cat is gone to get a sports cat or go standard? P.s. I'll get some pictures as soon as I'm out of work 😁 Cheers all speak soon Kris
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