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  1. That is very interesting. I have not seen or heard of this, maybe it is relatively unknown in the US? Thank you very much for the very good information, JayMe
  2. Hi Greydog, I do have a BMW diagnostic program but I am having trouble with my computer that I need to repair first. Thanks for your help, JayME
  3. Hi, Yes The air bag light is on. I have not heard of an emulator? It must be a device to turn the light off? The person that owned this before me was an older lady but maybe she had a mechanic do something to this? Thanks for your help, JayMe
  4. I'm am sorry if I am doing this incorrectly but I have searched and not found anything related to this but I am still learning all of this. Does anyone know about the yellow airbag/ seat belt connector under the driver’s seat? I am sure the previous owner has changed this but I am wondering if anyone has seen this before? If so, should I remove the butt connectors and solder the wires? Should the wires be twisted all the way to the yellow connector? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, JayMe
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